The principle at stake was the inviolability of a sovereign state, not the creation of a democracy in the aggressor country. 其刹车的原因是主权国家的神圣不可侵犯,而不是在侵略者占领的国家建立民主。
But for a government so fiercely insistent on the inviolability of its own sovereignty, this was a big step. 但是,对于一个强烈坚持主权不可侵犯的国家来说,这种承诺是向前迈了一大步。
The principle at stake was the inviolability of a sovereign state, not the creation of a democracy in the aggressor country. 其刹车的原因是主权国家的神圣不可侵犯,而不是在侵略者占领的国家建立民主。