- This experimental result is in inverse ratio to that. 这项实验结果和那项实验结果成反比.
- Probability of anything happening is inverse ratio to its desirability. 一件事发生的可能怀与它受欢迎的程度成反比。
- There was heve inverse ratio connection between Lp(a) and ALT(r=-0.882 6). 脂蛋白 (a)与总胆红素之间无明显相关 (r =0 .;2 5 5 6 );脂蛋白 (a)与丙氨酸氨基转移酶间则有反比关系 (r =- 0
- Results showed that settling rate is in inverse ratio to the value of SV and MLSS. 结果表明:作为选择压的沉降速率与反应器中SV值和MLSS成反比关系;
- Male illustrations are in direct ratio to the advancement of grades, while famale illustrations are in inverse ratio. 翻译:男性的演示(/解释/插图)与其级别上升成正比增加,而女性的演示(/解释/插图)则呈反比。
- The ratio of commissions to be collected shall be set in accordance with the principle of making an inverse ratio to the auction completion price. 收取佣金的比例按照同拍卖成交价成反比的原则确定。
- Distance ordinariness between direct proportion, and both becomes mass like its size and two objects product inverse ratio. 它的大小和两个物体似的质量的乘积成正比,和两者之间的距离的平凡成反比。
- Results The larger the differentiation the better the post-operative visual acuity,inverse ratio between the two occasions. 结果两点分辨力值越大,术后视力越差;分辨力值越小,术后视力越好,二者成反比关系。
- Water-fluoride concentration and mottled enamel are direct proportion while mottled enamel and dental caries are inverse ratio. 水氟浓度和氟牙症的病情呈正比关系,而与龋齿的病情呈反比关系。
- The square that what law of Mitre card Er points to is rate of network value and user quantity growth becomes direct ratio, become inverse ratio with cost! 迈特卡尔定律指的是网络价值与用户数量增长速度的平方成正比,与成本成反比!
- Li of direction be postpone two the object couplet line direction; Distance ordinariness between direct proportion, and both becomes mass like its size and two objects product inverse ratio. 里的方向是延两个物体的联线方向;它的大小和两个物体似的质量的乘积成正比,和两者之间的距离的平凡成反比。
- Or can bethe inverse ratio? 还是会是反比?
- Objective To compare the cardiopulmonary effects of biphasic positive airway pressure (BIPAP), airway pressure release ventilation (APRV), inverse ratio ventilation (IRV) and intermittent positive pressure ventilation(IPPV)in dogs with acute lung injury. 目的 比较研究双水平气道压力调节通气(BIPAP)、气道压力释放通气(APRV)、反比通气(IRV)和间歇气道正压通气(IPPV)对急性肺损伤犬心肺功能的影响,探讨其应用价值。
- Objective To compare the cardiopultnonary effect of biphasic positive airway pressure (BIPAP) . airway pressure realease ventilation(APRV), inverse ratio ventilation( IRV), and intermittent positive pressure ventilation(IPPV) . 目的 比较研究双水平气道压力调节通气(BIPAP)、气道压力释放通气(APRV)、反比通气(IRV)和间歇气道正压通气(IPPV)对健康犬心肺功能的影响。
- The experimental results show that all OKE signals are symmetrical at origin, the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the OKE signals are 150 fs, x~((3)) has inverse ratio with amount of defects in glass and its maximum is 10~(-12)esu. 结果表明,所有玻璃的OKE信号在0点都是对称的,信号宽度为150fs,玻璃中的缺陷越少,x~((3))值越高,最高可达10~(-12)esu;
- Inverse ratio between bacilli and cocci, the number of bacteria decrease were associated with kinds and treatment course of antimicrobial application, but fungus infection had no relation with kinds and treatment course of antimicrobial application. 粪便杆菌和球菌比例倒置、细菌计数减少与抗菌药物应用种数及疗程相关;真菌感染与用药种数及疗程无相关性。
- Without using extrinsic PEEP, the peak airway pressure of IRV was lower than the IPPV's, if there was a certain level of IRV was PEEP, both inverse ratio ventilation's mean airway pressure would be higher than IPPV's. 当PEEP=0 cmH2O时,两组IRV通气的气道峰压值低于IPPV通气时; 两组IRV通气的动物在各种PEEP水平时的平均气道压均显著高于IPPV组。
- The university on the net lets what China magnetism resonance applies an institute groom efficiency increases number decuple, groom charge shows inverse ratio to be reduced considerably however. 网上大学让中华磁共振应用学院的培训效率提高数十倍,培训费用却呈反比大幅降低。
- An ideal transformer, voltages are transformed in the direct ratio of turms, currents in the inverse ratio, and impedances in the direct ratio squared; power and voltamperes are unchanged. 理想变压器电压与匝数成正比,电流与匝数成反比,阻抗与匝数平方成正比,功率不变。
- This is the inverse of his earlier proposition. 这和他早些时候提的建议截然相反。