- interface of root and soil 根-土界面
- The affect of rooting and cutting roses from genes and hormones. 5基因和激素对月季扦插苗生根的影响。
- The interface formed between root and soil faciliates mositure absorption from damp sand, also protects the stele against physical abrasion as well as high-temperature damage. 沙套的根-土界面对根系具有保水,防止流沙机械损伤和高温灼伤等功能,并使植物在沙化土壤不易倒伏。
- This paper deals with the growth of root and shoot of winter wheat under different soil drought conditions during the seedling, jointing, flowering and filling stages of Jimai 21. 摘要通过盆栽试验,对不同土壤水分条件下冬小麦幼苗期、拔节期、扬花期和灌装期4个时期根、冠生物量和二者关系进行了研究。
- Study on Effect Limited Water Supply on Growth of Roots and Soil Moisture Use of Summer Corn 有限供水对夏玉米根系生长及底墒利用影响的研究
- The slow movement of rock debris and soil down a weathered slope. 蠕动岩石碎片和土壤沿着受风雨侵蚀的滑坡向下缓慢移动
- It mainly attacks Picea jezoensis and causes a white rot of root and butt. 该病主要发生于成熟林分,造成干基特别是根部腐朽。
- The gardener tore up the plant, root and all. 园丁把园中的花草树木连根全挖了出来。
- Ye Y L,Li L,Sun J H,Zhang F S.Effect of root separation on pl ant nitrogen uptake and soil nitrate nitrogen residual in faba bean/maize intercropping[J].J.Soi1 Water Conserv.,2005,19(3):13-17. [19]叶优良;李隆;孙建好;张福锁.;地下部分隔对蚕豆/玉米间作氮素吸收和土壤硝态氮残留影响[J]
- To be the interface of the project and HW project team. 项目组和硬件之间的接口人.
- Through natural selection, weeds have developed efficient mechanisms of root and snoot growth. 通过自然选择,野草获得了根苗生长的有效机制。
- He caught his foot on a tree root and stumbled. 他一只脚被树根绊住而跌倒了。
- The root and the guarantee of faith. 信仰的根基、信仰的保证。
- It finds your ascendant sign and calculates numerology according to the Chaldean system of root and compound numbers. 发现你的上升的标志和根据根占星术系统计算数字算命学。
- One data interface of a particular type. 一个特定种类的数据界面。
- The innermost layer of the cortex that forms a sheath around the vascular tissue of roots and some stems. 内皮层皮层的最内层,在根、茎的导管组织周围形成一道叶鞘(茎衣)
- Solid roots and soil slope capability is molasses grass>tall fescue>Bermuda>ryegrass. 根系固坡保土能力依此为糖蜜草>高羊茅>百慕大>黑麦草。
- The integer program model of minimal spanning tree was built up by the concepts of root and level of node in LINGO. 求解最小生成树的方法虽然很多,但是利用LINGO建立相应的整数规划模型是一种新的尝试。
- Bouma, J., L.N.Kai, M.E.David and P.L.Jonathan (1997) Estimating respiration of roots in soil: Interactions with soil CO2, soil temperature and soil water content. 周存宇、周国逸、王迎红、张德强、刘世忠、王跃思、孙扬(2005)鼎湖山针阔叶混交林土壤呼吸的研究。
- The luminescence intensity of root and leaf was different at the same plane image. 通过实验探测到幼苗的根、叶在同一平面图象有不同的发光表现;