- integer error number 整型出错号
- Type the error number in the Search page. 在“搜索”页中键入错误号。
- Typically used to filter by error number. 通常用来根据错误号进行筛选。
- Statement to generate error number 11. 语句生成错误号11。
- Type the error number in the Look for box in the Index. 在“索引”中的“查找”框中键入错误号。
- Click the error number in the Output Window, and press F1. 单击“输出”窗口中的错误号,再按F1。
- The cause depends on the error number in the Description section of the event. 原因取决于事件“描述”部分的错误号。
- You can compare the error number against the Number Property (Err Object). 您可以根据Number属性(Err对象)比较错误号。
- This option applies in addition to the error number or severity level. 此选项是对错误号或严重级别的补充。
- Unexpected error number 429 has occurred:ActiveX component can't create object. (发生意外的错误编号 429:ActiveX 元件无法建立物件。
- The cause of this error should be identified by the error number, and not by the description. 应使用错误号来标识错误原因而不应使用说明进行标识。
- Error objects in this collection for the error number and message text, as well as the source of the error. 您可以查询此集合中的Error对象,以获取错误编号和消息文本以及错误的来源。
- The expected behavior is that error number 0x8000500D is returned with this description. 预期发生的行为应是随上述说明返回错误号0x8000500D。
- For further assistance, click More Info or search Help and Support Center for this error number. 需要更多协助,请单击“详细信息”,或在帮助和支持中心查找此错误号。
- If the job is run by an alert, the error number value automatically replaces this token in the job step. 如果作业由某个警报运行,则在作业步骤中,错误号值将自动替换此标记。
- When called in a CATCH block, returns the error number of the error message that caused the CATCH block to be run. 在CATCH块中调用时,返回导致运行CATCH块的错误消息的错误号。
- When msg_id is not specified, RAISERROR raises an error message with an error number of 50000. 如果未指定msg_id,则RAISERROR引发一个错误号为50000的错误消息。
- When msg_str is specified, RAISERROR raises an error message with an error number of 50000. 当指定msg_str时,RAISERROR将引发一个错误号为5000的错误消息。
- In Visual Basic 6.0, when an exception occurs during debugging, a modal dialog box is displayed with an error number. 在Visual Basic 6.;0中;如果在调试期间发生异常;会显示一个带有错误号的模式对话框。
- A program can display the error number and message of a caught exception to identify the error. 程序可以显示所捕获的异常的错误号和消息,以标识错误。