- Under the experimental condition, Foliar spray in the Chinese cabbage could increase the total yield by 14-28.8%. 在试验条件下;白菜增产达14-28.;8%25。
- Method: Increase the total yield of Cefalexin by shorten the crystallize process. 方法:通过缩短头孢氨苄的结晶过程提高总收率。
- The total yield of oryzalin was over 55%. 安磺灵的总收率在55%25以上。
- Results: The total yield of palonosetron was 7.6%. 结果:合成了帕洛诺司琼;总收率7.;6%25。
- The total yield of such produce in a particular season or place. 收成在某一季节或地区该类产品的总产量
- The total yield of 3,4,5 trimethoxy is 77.1%. 3;4;5三甲氧基苯甲酸的总收率为77.;1%25。
- Results:The total yield of rupatadine was 32.4%. 结果:合成了卢帕他定;总收率32.;4%25。
- increase the total yield 提高总产量
- The ampiroxicam was synthesized and the total yield was 29.4%. 报道了非甾体抗炎药安吡昔康的合成,总收率为294%25。
- Taking out a kingpin may yield splashy headlines, but it can actually increase the total amount paid in bribes if it destroys co-ordination among his henchmen. 去掉主要人物也许产生颇获好评的主题,但如果它破坏了他的追随者之间的协调,实际上增加了贿赂的总金额。
- RESULTS The total yield of palonosetron hydrochloride was 76%. 结果合成了盐酸帕洛诺司琼,总收率76%25。
- Increasing the total time lag is destabilizing. 增加总时滞将使稳定性降低。
- Some suggestions about farming would be made as fallows: (1) raising the apple yield per unit and not increasing the total yield depending on the area expansion under cultivation; 当前,种植业发展中值得重视的几个问题是:(1)努力提高单产,而不是依靠扩大面积增产。
- He added some wood to increase the fire. 他加了一些木柴,使火旺些。
- Hut not prolix>rtionately more: if we increase the number of glass balls eight times, the subject takes only half as large a percentage of the total. 但所取数量的多少不是按比例增加的:将玻璃球增加七倍,被测试者也只是从总数中取很小一部分出来。
- Note: The efficiency of branching presents the seed yield of every brachn account for percentage of the total yield. 注:分枝效率为各分枝籽粒产量占群体产量的百分比(%25)。
- Through the reaction of 7-ADCA and Dane Salt, one step crystallization gives Cefalexin with the total yield 89.4% . 7-氨基-3-去乙酰氧基头孢烷酸(7-ADCA)和苯甘氨酸邓钠盐反应;只需要一步结晶即可得头孢氨苄;总收率89.;4%25。
- An unlimited arms race may well increase the danger of war. 无限度的武器竞赛当然会增加战争的危险性。
- The yield of the main rice leached 3000kg/hm2 or more and the total yield of main and ratoon rice exce-ded 11250k/hm2. 再生稻可达3000kg/hm~2以上;两季总产可超过11250kg/hm~2.
- The Software Suite allows you to increase the total production through improved processing and higher output. 该控制软件可改进裁剪过程,提高产量,从而提高生产能力。