- According to the job description of exploration survey, the following data about the local hydrological conditions and climate are required to provide. 根据勘测任务书,需要水文气象专业提供以下资料内容
- The increased pressure and temperature with depths as well as changed hydrological conditions will lead to changed mechanical properties. 随深度递增的压力和温度以及变化着的水文情况将会导致力学性质的改变。
- Curtain grouting design for Zhongguan iron mine demands big depth and high verticality,but under the complex geological and hydrological conditions,borehole deviation is serious. 中关铁矿帷幕灌浆孔设计深度深、钻孔垂直度要求高,加之地质条件、水文条件的特殊性和复杂性,钻孔偏斜超标严重,经过实践,摸索出一套有效的防斜、纠斜技术措施。
- The urban environment is a mosaic of man-made, natural and seminatural habitats with climatic and hydrological conditions, which distinguish it from adjacent rural areas. 城市环境是一个人造的、自然的和半自然的生境镶嵌体,与邻近乡村地区的气候和水文条件完全不同。
- Climate is very cold in the Qilian Mountains because of higher altitude.There are periglacial phenomenon widespread that is controlled by topographical and hydrological conditions. 摘要祁连山地区地势高耸,气候严寒,冰缘现象广布,各类冰缘现象受地形与水分条件的控制,分布具有明显的规律性。
- Comparison of nutrients removal under different hydrological conditions shows that the ST has a stable function, while the SSF and the FWS units demonstrate a net phosphorus removal during wet seasons with a rate of 20.9% and 16.7%, respectively. 通过对不同水文条件(降雨和湿地进水流量)下系统运行效果的比较发现;沉淀池除磷效果不受水文条件的影响;截留率维持在23.;4%25左右。 潜流和表流区在雨季时期;对磷表现出一定的截留作用;截留率分别为20
- The causes and mechanisms of algalbloom occurrence are analyzed from the point of water quality condition, air temperature, hydrological condition. 针对水质污染控制和汉江水量调配对水华所带来的影响,探讨水华预防措施。
- hydrological conditions of ore deposits 矿床充水条件
- By analysing the headwaters of mine,provide the correct forecast about hydrological condition and flood of water for the forefront of production in season. 通过对矿井水来源的分析,及时为生产一线提供了准确的水情水害预报,避免了水淹工作面的事故,取得了良好的社会及经济效益。
- The product and emission of the CO 2 and CH 4 are related to soil organic carbon (SOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen content, meanwhile which are affected by the soil temperature and hydrological condition. 沼泽湿地CO2 和CH4的产生和排放与土壤有机碳、溶解有机碳及氮素含量有密切关系 ;同时受土壤温度和水文条件的影响 .
- The comparison of the simulation results shows that the total variation diminishing(TVD) method and hybrid method of characteristics(HMOC) are more suitable to this type of hydrological condition. 为了解影响污染物运移的主要因素,为污染物治理提供依据,文中将数值计算和敏感度分析结合起来。
- The model was applied to forecast the desalting tendency in Jian jiang River Estuary under different hydrology conditions. 以鉴江河口为例,运用所建模型,定量预测了不同水文条件下,河口水库水质淡化的趋势。
- near-surface hydrological condition 近地表水文条件
- One should adapt oneself to the changed conditions. 我们应当使自己适应变化了的情况。
- The poor people lived in brutish conditions. 穷苦的人生活在牛马不如的环境中。
- Find out what the conditions of the contract are. 弄清楚合同的条件是什么。
- Leather can deteriorate in damp conditions. 皮革受潮可变质。
- Conditions here are not what she's accustomed to. 这里的条件不是她所习惯享受的。
- These conditions no longer obtain. 这些条件已不复存在了。
- He dreamed of living in decent conditions. 他梦想着过体面的生活。