- The government invests heavily in hydraulic project. 政府在水利工程方面投以重资。
- The government invested heavily in hydraulic projects. 政府在水利工程方面投以重资。
- The government invested heavily in hydraulic projects . 政府在水利工程方面投以重资。
- The dimensions of the difficulty for the hydraulic project have only recently been recognized. 这一项水利工程困难的程度只是到最近才被人们所认识。
- The anti-scour performance should be improved on the curtain bottom when it is used in the hydraulic projects. 在运用悬挂式防渗帷幕时,要注意提高帷幕底部的抗冲刷能力。
- The President is strongly desirous that you should Be in charge of the hydraulic project. 总统非常希望你能负责这项水利工程。
- The stilling basin in Baise hydraulic project is a typical case which is built on non-homogeneous foundation. 广西右江百色水利枢纽工程的消力池是建筑在不均匀地基上的一个典型例子。
- Guxian key hydraulic project will play important roles in flood prevention, sedimentation reduction, irrigation, water supply, power generation and so on. 古贤水利枢纽具有防洪、减淤、灌溉、供水、发电等重要作用。
- The construction bidding pretender of hydraulic project is forecasting price for project investment, is rational gist of measuring and evaluating bidding quoted price. 水利工程建设项目施工招标标底是招标人对工程投资的预测价格,是测算、价投标报价合理性的依据。
- By the hydraulic engineering modle experiment of Liaofang hydraulic project,we adopted the energy dissipation method which took the T type pier as the auxiliary dissipater. 通过水工模型试验,廖坊水利枢纽工程采用T型墩为辅助消能工的消能形式,不但大大缩短了消力池的长度,而且得到较好的水流流态,满足了下游防冲要
- In order to solve the problem of anti-abrasion and anti-seepage of concrete scroll case in Nierji Hydraulic Project,the technology is applied into this project. 为了解决尼尔基水利枢纽工程混凝土蜗壳防渗及抗冲磨问题,首次大规模应用了喷涂聚脲弹性体技术。
- Combined with the exploration and the test measurement,the formation reason of the solution cave of the un-typical soluble rock on Daao hydraulic project is analyzed. 采用勘探和测试手段,分析了大坳水利枢纽工程非典型可溶性岩溶洞的成因及其对工程的安全影响,并结合工程特性,提出了工程处理措施。
- According to the statistic data of hydraulic projects in Yellow River Catchment of Shanxi Province, the bearing capacity of water use of agriculture and industry is analyzed, and the bearing water price of agriculture and industry is obtained. 根据山西省黄河流域水利工程统计资料,分析了工业和农业用水承受能力,得出工业和农业用水承受水价。
- Research on dam perspective projection and its visualization drawing attaches importance to the hydraulic digitalization and modernizes the design of hydraulic projects. 堤坝透视投影及图形可视化研究是数字水利,实现水利工程设计现代化的重要课题。
- Optimized fuzzy semi-active control strategy was proposed to reduce the vibration of certain tainter gate installed with magnetorheological (MR) dampers in certain key large hydraulic project. 针对某大型水利枢纽导流底孔弧形闸门,在闸门上布置若干MR阻尼器,采用优化模糊半主动控制来减小振动。
- The building is made of hydraulic cement. 大楼是用水硬水泥建造的。
- The hydraulic lift is over there. 液压升降机在那儿。
- construction of hydraulic projects 水电工程施工
- His mind was still teeming with various projects. 他的脑子里依然塞满了各式各样的计划。
- People came in flocks to see the new hydraulic power station beside the dam. 人们成群结队地来参观水坝旁边新建的水电站。