- The huma are similar to those of our world. 人类与我们的世界的类似。
- The computer has led huma into a mew era. 计算机将人类带入了一个新时代。
- Yao five Rural Village Government in huma. 五尧乡乡政府驻乌马庄村。
- Only a fool expects rational behavior from his fellow huma . 只有傻瓜才会相信只要遵循别人所说就能得到想当然的结果。
- Animals usually show their feelings openly as huma do. 动物通常像人一样公开表达自己的情感。
- Huma must make the earth su ort the increasing population. 所幸,人们已意识到这一点,开始行动起来拯救地球,也就是拯救自己。
- Why do you expect it from a machine that huma have co tructed? 为什么你要从一个人类自己构造的机器中去得到想当然的结果呢?
- The bird-flu virus manages to become easily tra mittable between huma . 禽流感病毒变成可以在人与人之间轻易传染。
- The virus could jump from civet cats to huma through continuous mutation. 该病毒可透过不断变种,由果子狸传往人类。
- Dolphi communicate like huma by calling each other by name, scientists in Fife reported on Monday. 本周一,苏格兰法夫郡的科学家们公布,海豚和人类一样,通过称呼对方的“名字”进行交流。
- The god that came up with the most valuable legacy for huma was to give the city its name. 哪一个神能够带给人类最宝贵的遗产,就可以为此城命名。
- In view of the above, we have to understand th e inverse of Hegel dialectics in huma nism. 据此,对马克思颠倒黑格尔辩证法只能作人学理解。
- In cultured huma microvascular endothelial cells, the insulin stimulates only migration into the wound tissue. 在培养的人微血管内皮细胞中,胰岛素仅仅对伤口处细胞有促进作用。
- Morgan: Generatio of huma have gone by with a olutely no clue about how the universe started. 摩根:多少代人以来都不知道宇宙是怎么开始的。
- But the cells never survived for long in huma - not until the study reported in 2000 by Dr.Shapiro and his colleagues. 但是直到2000年夏普罗博士和他的同事发表的研究报告,这些细胞在人体内从来就没有存活过。
- La Godo helpin la humo kiu esi la ferva,
Remetin fremd-lande en la maro huma. 改了上行的 peplo 为 humo 后,跟下行的 huma 形成‘近邻重复’的毛病 。 - W' lik o work oghr wih all our clis boh hom a abroa for commo vlopm a muual bfi, a srv for huma halhy illumiaio. 您的发展就是我们的动力!我们愿与国内外客户携手共进,共同发展,为人类健康照明服务!
- The atlantic coast imposes a manifestation of natur e, which is accompanied by a strong and respectful huma n presence. 加拿大大西洋沿岸尽快大自然的瑰丽与人类的伟大。
- Rlyig o h powr cosis of huma,scic a chology a craiviy,h huma big has vlop a avac o h of glory oay. 人类之所以发展、进步到今日之辉煌,全凭一股由人、科技及创新结合而成的推动力。
- Morgan: Generatio of huma have gone by with a olutely no clue about how the universe started. 摩根:多少代人以来都不知道宇宙是怎么开始的。