- hum and haw one's words 吞吐其辞
- Don't stand humming and hawing, but speak out. 有话痛痛快快说出来,不要吞吞吐吐的。
- mince words; mutter and mumble; hum and haw 吞吞吐吐
- When asked about the reason for the postponement, Majingli hum and haw not answer. 当问及推迟的原因时,马经理支支吾吾不予回答。
- hum and haw;mutter and mumble;Mince words 吞吞吐吐
- He hummed and hawed for quite a while before he uttered a few words of comfort. 他吭哧了好一会才说出几句安慰话。
- He hummed and hawed, giving no definite reply. 他闪烁其词, 不做肯定答复。
- Don't stand humming and hawing,but speak out. 有话痛痛快快说出来,不要吞吞吐吐的。
- He hummed and hawed but finally told me the truth. 他先是支支吾吾,可最后还是跟我说了实话。
- Don't sit there humming and hawing; you promised to take me out to dinner so get changed and let's go. 别坐在那儿犹豫了,你答应过陪我出去吃饭的,快去换衣服,我们走吧。
- We hummed and hawed before deciding to buy the house. 我们曾经犹豫了很长时间才决定买这幢房子。
- The man was a poor lecturer because he hummed and hawed too much. 这个人讲课不行,因为他太结巴了。
- You've got to speak up clearly. No humming and hawing. 有话说清楚,不要吞吞吐吐。
- One 's words reflect one 's think. 言为心声。
- to falter; to prevaricate; to equivocate; to stall; to hum and haw 支吾
- Now when I play CDs,you hum and tap your feet. 现在我放CD盘,你一边呼,一边用脚打拍子了。”
- Mary' s words have the stamp of truth. 玛丽的话具有真实性。
- speak evasively; hum and haw; make an ambiguous statement; prevaricate one's statement 支吾其词
- Now when I play CDs, you hum and tap your feet. 现在我放CD盘,你一边呼,一边用脚打拍子了。”
- Bass’s words had a soothing effect. 贝斯的话有安慰的作用。