- Dr Knapp said there was evidence that odour gave a hint about genetic make-up. She highlighted HLA genes involved in the immune response. 纳普博士说,有证据表明,体味同时也会发出一个人基因组成的信号。她强调,人类白细胞抗原基因就与免疫功能相关。
- Objective To investigate the distribution of HLA gene polymorphism of Han people in Zibo area. 目的调查山东淄博地区汉族人群HLA基因多态性的分布。
- CpG may be the optimal adjuvant of human esophageal tumor vaccine and the HLA gene locus may affect T cells function. CpG基序是人食管癌疫苗的有效佐剂,HLA对T细胞功能有影响。
- Conclusion The polymorphism is existed on HLA gene distribution of Han population in Zibo area at gene level,and PCR-SSP is a reliable method for HLA typing. 结论山东淄博地区汉族人群HLA基因具有多态性,PCR-SSP方法进行HLA分型的结果准确可靠。
- We proposed that the migration and mixing are the dominant driving force of the HLA gene flow while the genetic drift caused by isolation and the nature selection have an important influence on HLA genetic structure. 认为群体迁移、融合而产生的基因流动是HLA基因频率变化的主要动力,但隔离导致的遗传漂变以及自然选择也有重要影响。
- Investigation report of renal corpuscle disease'HLA gene 肾小球疾病HLA易感基因研究报告
- Correlation between HLA gene and Takayasu arteritis in the Chinese 国人HLA基因与多发性大动脉炎相关性研究
- Reduction of Expression of HLA Genes by Fetal Tissue Lysates in Mixed Lymphocyte Culture of Unrelated Individuals 胚胎组织浸液降低无关个体混合淋巴细胞培养中的HLA基因表达
- We know a lot about the structure of genes now. 如今我们对基因的结构有了较多的了解。
- How do parents pass genes on to their offspring? 父母是怎样把基因遗传给自己的子女的?
- Dr Knapp said there was evidence that odour gave a hint about genetic make-up. She highlighted HLA genes involved in the immune response。 纳普博士说,有证据表明,体味同时也会发出一私人基因构成的信号。她强调,人类白细胞抗原基因就与免疫功能相关。
- 53 Shiina T, Inoko H. HLA gene region and its diversity Nippon Rinsho. 2005 Apr;63(S)4:293. 55熊杰、常淑枫、石学敏:基因蕊片技术在中医领域的应用。天津中医学院院报。2004;23(2):95.
- Genes are transmitted from one generation to another. 基因代代相传。
- hla genes hla 基因
- Genes are the smallest units of heredity. 基因是遗传的最小单位。
- Shaw CK.Chen LL.Lee A Distribution of HLA gene and haplotype frequencies in Taiwan:a comparative study among Min-nan,Hakka,Aborigines and Mailand Chinese 1999 冯明亮.;陆琼
- Genes can only be knocked out in a single cell. 基因的去除只有在单个细胞中才能进行。
- I am passing on my genes to my children. 我把我的基因传递给我的孩子们。
- It applies to duplicate recessive genes. 它适用于双隐性基因。
- Donors of HLA 1/6-2/6 mismatch were accepted at registry search. 多份移植脐血HLA匹配为 1 6 - 2 6位点不相合。