- They each have different opinions about the plan. 他们对这个计划各有不同的意见。
- I couldn't simply because so may people have different opinions. 那么多人持不同的意见,我根本不能坚持。
- People still have different opinions on this question. 大家对这个问题的看法还存在分歧。
- People may have different opinions about someone; Complete agreement is not possible. 对每个人都会有不同的意见,不会完全一致。
- Which is the better is a matter of opinion(= people have different opinions about it). 哪一个比较好只是看法问题。
- Despite people have different opinions on it, the clone technique is developing rapidly. 虽然人们对克隆技术持有不同的意见,克隆技术仍迅猛发展。
- The taxonomists have different opinions about the classification of Trib.Polygoneae. 摘要关于蓼族属级及属下分类问题,分类学家持有不同的意见。
- Zack:You'll have to learn to speak up for yourself. It's totally fine to have different opinions. 你可能要学会为自己发声。跟别人意见相左是很正常的。
- Scholars have different opinions on the nature of the Liens in continental law system. 大陆法系的留置权是何种性质的权利,学者们看法不一。
- Although most scholars have different opinions on it, it is a great progress that they agree on the definition of RJ. 在联合国及其他国际性组织的共同关注下,至少在联合国经济和社会理事会的相关文件中能基本统一界定,这已是一个十分巨大的理论进步。
- Different people have different opinions about the same problem, so the solutions are different too. 不同的人对同样的问题有不同的看法,所以解决的办法也不同。
- Abstract: People have different opinions on weather Althusser is a structuralist and what relationship it is between him and Structuralism. 摘 要: 阿尔都塞是不是结构主义者?他与结构主义是什么关系?人们对此仍然众说纷纭、莫衰一是。
- So when I have different opinions with others I always end up being a steamroller, finding all the evidence to support my opinions. 因此和别人争执时我就像一台压路机,不顾一切地捍卫自己的看法。
- IS electro-cigarete shoude be a new choice for ex-smokers,American have different opinion. 对戒烟者来说,电子香烟应该是一种新的选择吗?美国民众对这一问题看法各异。
- No more confirmed mark of narrow minded and arrogant is than to isolate the pople who have different opinions from yours. 2思想狭隘,愚昧无知和趾高气扬的最肯定标志莫过于远离和自己意见不一致的人们。
- Therefore, if any Trac zh_CN user has different opinion, please let me know. 如果大家有异议,欢迎与我讨论。
- Have Chinese leaders seen the draft by the Danish Government for the Copenhagen Conference? How do you comment on that? Does China have different opinions? 问:中国领导人有没有看到丹麦政府为哥本哈根会议起草的草案?中方对草案有何看法,是否有不同意见?
- At present in logic people have different opinions on the question whether reduction to absurdity is direct refutation or indirect one. 在反驳方法中,归谬法究竟属于直接反驳还是间接反驳,目前的逻辑学界还存在着较为严重的分歧。
- Disciplining children is another area that American parents have differing opinions about. 惩罚孩子也是美国父母在教育中持各种意见。
- VII. When three judges each have different opinions, the referee may give a decision, which is supported by one of the judges. 当三位副审有不同的意见时,有一位副审支持主审即可以给判决。