- Then, somebody clap applauds, somebody hate sb's guts. 于是,有人拍手叫好,有人恨之入骨。
- Each time, Cindy used her forceps to scrape the scales and dissect the fish’s gut, and then took all the bowels out and washed the fish from outside to inside. 我非常喜爱海鲜类食物。洗蔬菜、肉类和鱼类很有多步骤。每2个星期,我会品尝一些鱼和虾。不过过去每次都是辛迪刮掉鱼鳞,并用钳子剖析鱼的内脏。
- Mach’s gut! 请多保重!
- The Salk Institute team, led by Siler Panowski and Andrew Dillin, said the new pathway is mediated by a gene already known from its role in building the worm’s gut while the worm is an embryo. Siler Panowski和Andrew Dillin领导的索尔克学院研究团队认为,在蠕虫的胚胎期,基因就开始对这个新的通路进行调解,且该基因对通路得调节不同于对蠕虫肠道形成的调节。
- hate sb's guts 对某人恨之入骨
- to hate sb's guts 对某人恨之入骨
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。
- In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy. 在一阵痛恨的狂乱中,他杀死了敌人。
- I don't dislike him. I hate his guts. 我何止是不喜欢他,而是恨透了他。
- hate sb.'s guts v. 对 ... 恨之入骨
- The kindhearted people hate violence. 善良的人们憎恨使用暴力。
- We must appoint sb to act as secretary. 我们得指定一个人当秘书。
- If you hate someone's guts, then keep it private. 如果你对某人恨之入骨,自己知道就好。
- Carol: Remember how I hate your guts? 卡罗尔:知道我恨你的肚子吗?
- Off the record, I hate our boss's guts. 私底下跟你说,我恨死我们老板了。
- SP'sb,hate u.it's nature u single for 20 yrs. 理工败类。鄙视你、怪不得你单身20年。活该的。
- We all hate his guts for being the teacher's pet. 因他成为老师的心腹,我们都对他恨之入骨。
- I hate the way he made up to these people. 我讨厌他向这些人献殷勤的样子。
- In sb.'s hands in the hands of sb. 在某人的支配照顾,监护。
- I hate to see the kids batting around the streets. 我不愿看到孩子们满街闲逛。