- Nothing was left for him to hang on to. 他已经没有什么东西可以指靠的了。
- Hang on a minute while I look it up. 电话别挂断,我查一下。
- Hang on! I'll be back in a minute. 等一下,我一会儿就来。
- The aggressor troops still hang on there. 侵略军仍然赖在那里不肯撤走。
- Hang on! I'll be back in two shakes! 电话先不要挂! 我马上就来!
- It all hang on whether he is willing to help us. 一切都取决于他是否愿意帮助我们。
- I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我非得找个人出出气。
- hang on sb.'s sleeve v. 依赖某人
- Hang on, can we stick with that point about cubism? 等一等,我们可以继续谈谈关于立体主义的那个问题吗?
- Hang on, please. I'll switch you to the manager. 请不要挂断电话。我给你转接到经理那儿去。
- The line is busy, would you like to hang on? 电话有人在打,请别挂断好吗?
- A self-described agent of chaos, the Joker arrives in Gotham abruptly, as if he’d been hiding up someone’s sleeve. 自我标榜为混乱的代理人,小丑突然来到哥顿市,仿佛他过去一直藏在某个人的衣袖之中。
- hang on someone's sleeve 依靠某人,任某人作主,听从某人
- He managed to hang on to a piece of rock protruding from the cliff. 他设法抓住了悬崖上向外伸出的岩石。
- Hang on at your present job until you can get another. 你在没有找到另一个工作前不要放弃目前的工作。
- When I get frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我受尽挫折,怒火冲天时,禁不住想找谁发一顿脾气。
- Bush's dream of a new world order hang on the edge of a volcano. 布希的新世界秩序梦想挂在火山边缘。
- But he'll take out on someone else. 他会照样对付别人的。
- You are always hanging on his sleeve. 你们总是依赖他的帮助。
- Why don't you take on someone your own size? 你为何不找一个与你同样身材的人较量?