- This sport event attracted many advertisers. 这个体育项目吸引了许多广告客户。
- group sport event 集体运动项目
- It was her first international sporting event. 那是她第一次参加国际体育比赛。
- The last thing audiences want at a sport event is theeveryday. 观众最讨厌千篇一律的体育赛事。
- The sport events must have been much less than now? 比赛项目一定比现在少多了?
- What sporting event would you like to see the most? 你最喜欢看哪种运动比赛?
- Today, the Super Bowl is a major sporting event. 如今,超级杯橄榄球赛已成为一个主要的体育赛事。
- A severe defeat, as in a sports event. 体育比赛中的惨败
- A program, especially for a sports event. 节目单:尤指体育赛事的节目单。
- Wang Ping: The sport events must have been much less than now. 王平: 比赛项目一定比现在少多了?
- The Games of the29 th Olympiad will be a gala gathering featuring a culture-oriented massive sport event. 这第二十九届奥运会更将是一次人文奥运的盛会。
- The Games of the 29th Olympiad will be a gala gathering featuring a culture-oriented massive sport event. 这第二十九届奥运会更将是一次人文奥运的盛会。
- SuperBowl party is as much as an excuse to ignore all social or dietary rules as a serious sport event. 超级杯聚会是男生们大玩大吃的借口,而不见得是个体育节目。
- The hunting group had good sport today. 今天打猎小组满载而归。
- Many renowned Argentine sports players excel in group sports, boxing and tennis being the most important examples. 很多著名的阿根廷运动员胜过了团队运动,拳击和网球是最重要的例子。
- One who keeps track of elapsed time in a sporting event. 计时员记录体育比赛所花时间的人
- The Asian Games is the biggest sports event for Asian People. 亚洲体育运动会是亚洲人民最大的体 育赛事。
- Watching a soccer game may not be just a participation in a sport event, but an involvement in a gambling activity as well. 观看球赛不只是参与体育活动,更可能是参与赌博活动。
- Andy: Yep. Among all of sport events, which one do you like best, Bobo? 安迪:是的,在所有体育项目中,你最喜欢哪项体育啊,波波?
- The dragon boat has now evolved into an international sports event. 端午节龙舟竞赛现已发展成为国际性的体育项目。