- high-k high k
- Good血型抗体 Blood group antibody Good
- Good血型抗原 Blood group antigen Good
- High/Scope课程 High/Scope curriculum
- “Good”测试套件 "Good"test suite
- "高中,见 junior high school" high school
- better是good比较级 'Better' is the comparative of 'good'.
- high 不能被应用到一个长字符串 HIGH cannot be applied to a long string
- 'better'是'good'的比较级。 'Better' is the comparative of 'good'.
- 我原本要去法院,直到我high了 I was gonna go to court before I got high
- 汽车行驶正常(不是good)。 The car runs well (not good ).
- 我原本要在船上赌博,但我high了 I was gonna gamble on the boat but then I got high
- De Bruijn-Good图的范畴 The Category of the de Bruijn-Good Graphs
- 普遍英语-high season 25小时每周 General English - high season 25 hrs wk
- Good-Thomas快速傅里叶变换 Good - Thomas FFT
- 普遍德语-high season 25小时每周 General German - high season 25 hrs wk
- I say good我坐在办公桌前。 I sit at my desk.
- 普遍意大利语-high season 20小时每周 General Italian - high season 20 hrs wk
- exhorting people to be good 规劝人们做善事
- Normal选项产生介于High和Low选项之间的质量。 The Normal option creates a result with a quality between the High and Low options.