- 测试套件 test suite
- 测试 measure and test
- 当然,没有人会编写测试套件对每个语句的结果都进行验证。 Of course, no one writes test suites that independently verify the result of each statement.
- 只要运行该测试套件,把脚本的路径传给它,它就会运行脚本,就像 Simply run this test suite and pass in the path to your script. This test suite will run your script much like the
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 即使是内部接口,有了这种附随的测试套件实现起来也要容易得多。 Even in-house interfaces will be much easier to implement with an accompanying test suite.
- 又为公务员度身订造一套应用套件,加深他们对安全健康的认识。 It also tailor-made a utility kit for use by civil servants to enhance their awareness of safety and health.
- 一个互操作性测试套件规范 An interoperability test suite specification
- 电烙套件 soldering kit
- 鹅套件 goose set
- 金套件 gold matched set
- 银套件 silver matched set
- CK套件 CK suite
- 密封套件 air proof external member
- 免提套件 hand-free kit
- 密码套件 cipher suite
- 评价套件 evaluation kit
- 开发套件 development kits
- 自制套件 do-it-yourself kit
- 电子套件 electronics kit