- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- The gold was glinting in the sunlight. 金子在阳光下闪闪发光。
- She had the sapphire set in a gold ring. 她把那枚蓝宝石镶在金戒指上了。
- I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter. 我决不背离我已经宣布的在这个问题上的政策。
- Could I ask for your reaction to this policy? 我能问一下您对这个政策的反应吗?
- It is company policy to discourage office romances. 公司的方针是阻止职员之间的风流韵事。
- A reliable car is worth its weight in gold. 靠得住的汽车就是无价之宝。
- She has a gold chain about her neck. 她在脖子的周围挂着一根金项链。
- The president has no consistent policy. 那位总统的政策缺乏一致性。
- It possessed rich mineral deposits, including gold. 它拥有丰富的矿藏,包括黄金。
- Gold prices on Western markets jumped. 西方市场上的黄金价格暴涨。
- The policy will put on the cost of living. 这些政策将使生活费上涨。
- The annual premium on my policy is 3000 yuan. 我的保险单每年的保险费是三千元。
- That country came off the gold standard long ago. 那个国家好久之前就放弃金本位制了。
- His policy is antagonistic to our interests. 他的政策兴我们的利益相抵触。
- They expressed their dissent from official policy. 他们对官方的政策表示出异议。
- The thing of luminescence is not sure all gold. 发光的东西未必都是黄金。
- The aim of the policy is the preservation of peace. 这一政策旨在维护和平。
- Jack was decorated with a gold medal. 杰克被授予金质奖章。