- Baotou Jingniu Glass Ceramic Co., Ltd. 包头晶牛微晶股份有限公司。
- K 30 C0G ceramic powder for sintering in reducing atmosphere. K 30 C0G瓷粉,适于在还原性气氛中烧结。
- XRD, SEM and EDS are also used to analyze the ceramic powder. XRD、SEM和EDS分别用于分析和观察抗茵粉体的晶相结构、形貌及其元素成分.
- The results showed that TiB?2?TiC ceramic powder could be obtained by SHS from B?2O?3?TiO?2?Mg?C system. 其化学反应机理为:Mg先还原B2O3和TiO2,新生的Ti与B和C反应生成TiB2和TiC;
- Methods An artificial bone of phosphate glass ceramic was made to be filled perfectly into gap of the palatoschisis. 方法制备具有生物活性的磷酸盐微晶玻璃骨替代材料;
- The first utilizes a blend of finely ground ceramic powders. 第一种用的是一种磨细的陶瓷粉末混合物。
- The copolymer dispersant for ceramic powder MAA/SAS was synthesized by methyl acrylic acid and sodium allylsulfonate. 摘要以甲基丙烯酸(MAA)和烯丙基磺酸钠(SAS)为单体,制得MAA/SAS共聚物。
- Objective:To evaluate biological safety of new type hea t-pressed glass ceramic material. 目的:评估新型热压铸入型玻璃陶瓷材料的生物安全性。
- The method studied has been used to instruct the production of lead titanate electric ceramic powder. 该方法已用于高纯超细钛酸铅陶瓷粉体材料生产中的控制分析。
- Diopside-based glass ceramic was made with steel slag and fly ash by sintering process. 以钢渣和粉煤灰为主要原料,采用烧结工艺,制得以透辉石为主晶相的微晶玻璃;
- Ceramic powder injection molding is a new molding technique developed from modern powder injection moldings techniques. 陶瓷粉末注射成形是从现代粉末注射成形技术中发展起来的一项新型成形技术。
- In this paper,the static fatigue properties of a fluoromicas containing machinable glass ceramic was investigated. 本文对一种典型可切削玻璃陶瓷的静疲劳行为进行了研究,研究了材料在空气、水、煤油中疲劳断裂。
- Powder flame spray and spray fusig gun, with various powder nozzles attached, can do spray coating with fine metallic powder and ceramic powder. 粉末火焰喷涂喷焊设备,配有各种粉末喷嘴,能喷涂金属微细粉末和氧化物涂层。
- The results show that, Main crystallization phase of glass ceramic was hedenbergite, and the minor crystallization phases were augite and hypersthene. 结果表明:矿渣微晶玻璃的主析晶相为钙铁辉石,次晶相为普通辉石和紫苏辉石;
- Powder flame spray or spray fusing gun can be used with inert gas to feed powder with best coating effects,and can also be used for spary of ceramic powder. 粉末火焰喷涂喷焊设备。用惰性气体送粉,能得到更佳涂层品质,也可喷涂氧化物涂层。
- The results showed: 1. Osseointegration could bef ormed on the interface after the bioactive glass ceramic was implanted in three months. 结果认为:(1)生物活性玻璃陶瓷种植三个月后,界面可形成骨性结合。
- The effects of structure of the coils and taper of the amplifier on the green density and sintered density of ceramic powder PZT were analyzed. 分析了线圈匝数和放大器锥角等因素对压坯和制品致密度的影响。
- ANUSAVICE K J, HOJJATIE B, HU S. Tensile stress in poste rior glass ceramic crown: effect of flaw and cement voids[J]. Dent Res, 1991 , 70: 434. 万红;杜传诗;吴德全.;粘固剂对烤瓷熔附金属底层冠就位的影响[J]
- The new type of damping composites is consisted of chlorobutyl rubber, piezoelectric ceramic powder (PZT) and acetylene black. 这种新型的阻尼复合材料是由氯丁基橡胶,压电陶瓷粉体和乙炔炭黑混合而成。
- The above finished products which are added with the Photoluminescent Ceramic Powder can be applied to all kinds of fields. 上述成品,这是补充,与光致发光陶瓷粉末,可用于各种领域。