- to relinguish haughty airs; to get off one's high horse; throw off one's airs 放下架子
- To relinquish haughty airs; to get off one's high horse; throw off one's airs 放下架子
- get off one's high horse 放下架子
- I wish he'd get off his high horse. 我希望他不要趾高气扬的样子。
- To relinguish haungty airs; to get off one's high horse; throw off one's airs transform administrative fees into taxes 防抱死系统放下架子
- The speaker got off one or two very amusing jokes. 发言者讲了一两个很有趣的笑话。
- He'll have to get off his high horse to win support from the others. 他必须放下架子,才能得到别人的支持。
- Brendan:Hey, why don't you get off your high horse?You're no better than me. 布兰登:喂,妳省省吧。妳跟我是半斤八两。
- Get off one's back: stop criticizing or bothering sb. 不再批评或打扰某人再如
- And if you use public transportation what a great idea to get off one stop earlier and finish the distance by walking. 并且如果您使用公共交通好主意得到一中止更加早期和完成距离由走。
- Nancy came down off her high horse and make friends with them. 南希放下架子,与他们交起了朋友。
- Get down off your high horse and apologize. 放下你傲慢的态度并道歉
- After his mother died he came down off his high horse. 自他母亲死后,他就不再趾高气扬了。
- He will get her off her high horse. 他要灭掉她的威风
- The old sailor reeled off one story after another. 老海员滔滔不绝地讲了一个又一个故事。
- Tina will get Eugene off his high horse,too. 蒂娜也要灭掉尤金的威风。
- It is impossible for him to get off the contract. 他不可能解除契约对自己的束缚。
- Jason saw me and got off the horse immediately. 杰逊看到我,立即从马上下来。
- He ripped off one end of the envelope and pulled out the letter. 他撕开信封的一端,抽出里面的信件。
- Yesterday s high was ninety eight degrees. 昨天的最高温度是九十八度。