- He told his mother not to get ideas into her head. 他要他母亲别胡思乱想。
- get ideas into one's head 抱幻想; 抱不切实际的想法
- get ideas into one head adj. 抱空想(存有幻想)
- He tell his mother not to get idea into her head. 他要他母亲别胡思乱想。
- The writer managed to distil his ideas into one succinct article. 作家努力把他的想法浓缩成一篇简练的文章。
- The teacher will try to integrate different ideas into one plan. 老师将设法把不同的想法融合成一个计划。
- get ideas into one's hand v. 抱不切实际的想法
- He told his mother not to get ideas into her head. The fact that he had come home early did not mean that he had lost his job. 他叫母亲别乱想,他早回家并不是因为丢了工作。
- The Head Master introduced many new ideas into the school. 校长把许多新思想引进这个学校。
- How can so much be compressed into one day? 这么多的东西怎么能压缩在一天之内看完呢?
- They could not hammer any new idea into their grandfather's head. 他们无法向祖父灌输任何新思想。
- He wove three plots into one novel. 他把三个情节编织成一部小说。
- The two rooms open into one another. 这两个房间有门相通。
- Take it into one's head to do sth. 突然决定做某事,心血来潮
- He could not get his ideas into shape. 他无法理清自己的思路。
- I had to fit ten appointments into one morning. 我要在一个上午里安排十个约会。
- Let 's head back to the intersection. 我们开回到那个交叉路口去。
- Don't huddle all the boxes into one cupboard. 不要把所有的盒子都塞入一个橱内。
- Who's been putting ideas into his head? 是谁一直在让他想入非非的?
- The nurse cushioned the patient 's head. 护士在病人头部铺上垫子。