- gB基因 gB gene
- gB基因型 glycoprotein B (gB)
- gE和gB基因 gE and gB genes
- 糖蛋白gB基因 Glycoprotein gB gene
- 人巨细胞病毒gB基因真核表达载体的构建与鉴定 Construction and Identification of Eukaryotic Expression Vector of Human Cytomegalovirus gB Gene
- 鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒gB基因的克隆及其原核表达 Cloning the gB Gene of ILTV Vaccine Strain and Its Prokaryotic Expression
- 传染性喉气管炎病毒河南株gB基因的克隆与序列分析 Cloning and Sequence Analysis of gB Gene of Chicken Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus Henan Isolate
- 含HVT部分gB基因马立克氏病病毒的转移载体的构建及表达 Construction and expression of Marek's disease virus Transferring Vector Containing HVT Partial gB Gene
- 基因代代相传。 Genes are transmitted from one generation to another.
- 根据传染性喉气管炎病毒(ILTV)gB基因的核苷酸序列,设计、合成1对引物,应用PCR扩增鸡ILTV河南株(ILTV-CG)gB基因. One pair of primers was designed and synthesized based on the nucleotide sequence(M64927)of chicken infectious laryngotracheitis virus(ILTV) gB gene pulished in the GenBank. gB gene of ILTV Henan isolate(ILTV-CG) was amplified by PCR.
- 基因外显率 penetrance of gene
- 分离的基因型 a segregant genotype.
- 基因的区分繁殖 differential perpetuation
- C基因 C gene
- D基因 D gene
- J基因 J gene
- V基因 V gene
- Ir基因 Ir gene
- 免疫遗传学免疫学中研究免疫反应的细胞和基因基础的分支 The branch of immunology that deals with the molecular and genetic bases of the immune response.
- MHC基因 MHC gene