- integrated fuzzy assessment method 模糊综合比较法
- multilevel fuzzy assessment method 多级模糊评价法
- synthesis fuzzy assessment method 模糊综合评判法
- A Study on Green Design and its Fuzzy Assessment Method 绿色设计与其模糊评价方法研究
- Fuzzy assessment method and it's application in drought year 旱年模糊评价方法及其应用
- Study on fuzzy assessment method to evaluate environment noise impact resulted from railway 铁路环境噪声影响的模糊评价方法研究
- Fuzzy Assessment Method and Area Weighting Factor Method to Water Quality Assessment of Lake 模糊评价法和面积加权法在湖泊水质评价中应用
- fuzzy assessment method 模糊评价方法
- Based on the fuzzy mathematics theory, two levels of assessment method of region water resources are introduced to make the synthetical arrangement objectively of its typical area water resources. 基于模糊数学理论的区域水资源二级评价方法,对其典型区的水资源进行了综合排序,结果客观合理。
- CMMI SCAMPI assessment methods applied. CMMI适用SCAMPI评估方法。
- It is illustrated that the fuzzy-based assessment method can quantify the fuzzy and uncertain information in risk assessment, and can assess the development risk for the military aircraft effectively. 算例表明,模糊综合评价方法可将风险评价中的模糊和不确定信息定量化处理,能够有效地对军用飞机的研制风险进行评价。
- The optimum particle size distribution of cement and its assessment method. 水泥的最佳颗粒分布及其评价方法。
- Application of gray correlation assessment method in casing quality evaluation. 灰色关联评估法在套管质量评定中的应用。
- Regarding this situation, the author here is trying to apply matter-element assessment method and fuzzy mathematical comprehensive assessment method to assess narrow channel manoeuver safety. 本文针对目前这种状况从安全评价的角度,应用可拓物元和模糊数学评价的方法对狭水道操纵安全进行评价。
- The layer of protection analysis is a semiquantitative risk assessment method. 保护层分析是一种半定量风险评价方法。
- A case study on Dafeng City,Jiangsu Province follows integrating with multidiscipline methods such as fuzzy assessment model and press state response(PSR) model. 研究中综合运用压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型和模糊数学方法,评价了具有复杂特性的城市生态健康问题,对城市生态健康评价的研究工作做出了有益尝试。
- This paper proposes a fuzzy comprehensive assessment method of weapon system effectiveness that combines the inherent (or latent) effectiveness and mission effectiveness ,and establishes a fuzzy comprehensive assessment model of ATBM effectiveness. 提出了将武器系统自身固有的潜在效能与使命效能相结合的系统效能模糊综合评估方法 ,并建立了相应的防空导弹武器系统反TBM效能模糊综合评估模型 ;
- A new assessment method combined catastrophe theory and fuzzy mathematics is established and applied for the first time to evaluate and select the candidate of CO2 miscible flooding reservoirs. 摘要应用突变理论和模糊数学相结合的方法产生突变模糊隶属度函数,并由此建立CO2混相驱油藏综合评价模型。
- For example,Dongjiang River Basin (in Guandong Province) planning, the weighted region controlling approach and key elements controlling approach have been used for fuzzy assessment. 如在东江流域规划中,环境影响综合评价采用了权重区域控制法和重点要素控制法进行模糊评价。
- Base on fuzzy mathematics and mathematical statistics, this text analyses the ingredients of selection plan of crushing and screening system and bring forwards a easy assessment method of lectotype. 摘要根据模糊数学及数理统计理论,通过分析破碎筛分系统选型的参考因素,介绍一种简单易行的选型方案评价方法。