- The company employed a well-paid foreign expert as adviser. 这家公司高薪聘请外国专家当顾问。
- The foreign expert has helped our company train many technicians. 这位外国专家帮助我们公司培养了许多科技人员。这个收音机是中国制造的。
- The foreign expert hopes to achieve all his aims in three years. 那位外国专家希望在三年内达到所有的目标。
- The suggestion made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager. 外国专家提出来的建议被经理采纳了。
- How to deal with strikes by foreign experts? 怎样对待外国专家的罢教罢工行为?
- How to Obtain a Foreign Experts ID Card? 如何办理《外国专家证明书》?
- Admiring such structure art, a foreign expert referred to Zhencheng as "mythological architecture". 出神入化的结构艺术,令外国专家叹其为“神话建筑”。
- By February next year this foreign expert will have been here on this job for five years. 到明年二月,这个外国专家在这儿做这项工作就满五年了。
- Alison des Forges was probably the greatest foreign expert on Rwanda until her death in a plane crash in February. 直到她死于2月份的一次飞机失事,AlisondesForges可能是卢旺达问题上最棒的外国专家。
- That foreign expert is a native of Boston, so if you've got any questions about apartments near Harvard, you should ask him. 那个外国专家是波士顿人,所以如果你有关于哈佛大学附近的住房的任何问题都可以问他。
- We at COIC Foreign Expert Committee are happy and proud that we are having this event today, after many month of preparations and dedicated work. 并在大家共同努力和多月的辛勤准备工作后,把全新的电脑教室予以交付。
- VI. Party A shall pay all the expenses of going through all the formalities, such as residence paper, foreign expert certificate. 甲方应负责支付乙方到职后办理各种手续,包括住宿证、居留证和专家证及有关费用。
- The Employer shall bear the expenses for receiving foreign expert in charge of the engineering to the Designer's office (including expenses on fax, telephone and office affairs). 承担本项目外国专家来设计人办公室工作的接待费(包括传真、电话、复印、办公等费用)。
- How could the foreign experts apply for their entry visas? 外国专家怎样申请入境签证?
- How to deal with long-term sick leave of foreign experts? 外国专家长期因病请假应怎样处理?
- May foreign experts attend or organize lectures or seminars? 外国文教专家能否参加或组织讲学和学术讨论会?
- May foreign experts be appointed positions of importance? 外国文教专家是否可以应聘担任实职?
- The foreign experts get used to the local food quickly. 外国专家们很快习惯了当地的食物。
- What are the provisions on foreign experts 'dimission allowance? 对外国文教专家的离职补贴费是怎样规定的?
- What are the teaching schedule and work time for foreign experts? 怎样安排外国文教专家的教学时间?