- fixed pitch and fixed speed 定桨距恒速型
- We can give it a push, and then it will vibrate at a fixed speed. 我们推它一下,就会以一定的速度摆动。
- We can give it a push,and then it will vibrate at a fixed speed. 我们推它一下,就会以一定的速度摆动。
- Can a man touch pitch and not be defiled? 一个人能出污泥而不染吗?
- Gets or sets the pitch and family of a font. 获取或设置字体的间距和系列。
- The ship pitched and tossed in the rough seas. 轮船在汹涌澎湃的大海中起伏颠簸。
- Pitch and roll performance could suffer. 滚表现将受到影响.
- Attach and fix the tap securely as illustrated. 如图所示牢固地连接并固定分接头。
- The propelling plant consists of a slow speed, reversible diesel engine driving a fixed pitch propeller through a forged steel shafting. 驱动装置包括由1台低速、可逆柴油发动机通过锻钢材料的轴系驱动1只定距桨。
- Pitch and roll are controlled by one hand. 音高和辊控制的一方面。
- Ll ask my plumber to come by and fix it tomorrow. 明天我让水管工来修理一下。
- To influence and fix the course or form of. 童年的生活经历影响形成一个人的性格。
- Detect import table and fix it up if found. 探测入口表并修复所发现错误。
- Set and fix the upper and lower wedges on the legs. 将桩脚上、下楔块固定好。
- Tests are designed to find and fix the bugs. 因此设计测试来查找和修正这些错误。
- During the year, on-street fixed pitch stalls were selected for the study. 年内,本署选定街上的固定摊位作为调查目标。
- Independent pitch and yaw of the two birds produce noise. 两只吊舱的独立俯仰和偏航均会产生噪声。
- I'm going to stay behind and fix dinner. 我会留下来安排晚餐。
- These highly legibility, fixed pitch fonts are based on ProCon's HVFont design. 这些高度的易读性,固定摊位的字体是基于procon的hvfont设计。
- Alan's anger rose to fever pitch and he rushed towards them. 他感到痛苦万分,怒不可遏地冲向他们。