- Finally, First Phase of Server Migration Over! 最后,第一阶段的服务器迁移!
- Better completed the first phase of the mission. 较好完成了第一阶段的工作任务。
- The first phase of the project has been completed. 第一期工程已经告一段落。
- The first phase of C3 went live in early 1997. C3项目的第一期从1997年初开始,一直持续运行。
- first phase of PIP 第一阶段执行和平方案
- I am afraid we have witnessed only the first phase of the conflict. 恐怕我们看到的仅仅是冲突的开始阶段。
- "We have already finished our first phase of emergency relief. “我们已经完成了第一阶段的紧急救援任务。
- The first phase of economic union would only begin next July. 经济联合的第一阶段要明年七月才开始。
- The first phase of the consultation on the Reform Proposals ended in June. 改革建议的第一阶段咨询已在六月完成。
- The first phase of the project was completed two months ahead of schedule. 第一期工程提前两个月完工。
- Sexology home thinks, this is the first phase of female need sexual behavior. 性学家认为,这就是女性需要性行为的第一个阶段。
- Defendable earthworks were the first phase of the building of the Defence Line. 在防线上首先建造起来的是防御工事,防御工事完工以后,随后紧接着在防线上又修建了防弹掩体。
- She was afraid that I might be embarrassed; terribly afraid of offending someone; I am afraid we have witnessed only the first phase of the conflict. 她担心我会觉得窘迫;非常害怕冒犯什么人;我担心的是我们只看见了冲突的最初阶段。
- The first phase of the River Trade Terminal commenced operation in October 1998. 内河货运码头第一期,已于一九九八年十月启用。
- The first phase of litigation went against Nina; the judge called the 1990 will “utterly ridiculous”. 诉讼的第一阶段对龚如心不利;法官认为1990年的遗嘱“纯属无稽之谈”。
- The detach phase is the first phase of an update cycle for a given set of reporting volumes. 对于给定的报表卷集,分离阶段是更新循环的第一个阶段。
- The first phase of listening and preparation continues until the end of January. 第一期为聆听和准备,持续到1月底。
- The first phase of litigation went against Nina; the judge called the 1990 will "utterly ridiculous". 诉讼的第一阶段对龚如心不利;法官认为1990年的遗嘱“纯属无稽之谈”。
- Since its commencement of business in October 1997, the HKMC has proceeded smoothly with the first phase of its business plan. 自一九九七年十月开始营业以来,按揭证券公司的第一阶段业务计划进展顺利。
- The interim that Marx mentioned is not towards the high phase of communism but towards the first phase of communism. 马克思所说的过渡时期是向共产主义社会第一阶段过渡,而不是向共产主义社会高级阶段过渡;