- H Beam Steel H型钢
- Materials:Aluminized Fire Resistant Fabrics. 产品介绍:材料:复合铝箔防火布。
- Abstract : Process and equipment design features of a near net shape beam blank caster to match large section H beam rolling mill at Laiwu Steel were analysed. :报道提高钢材轧制质量采取的技术、工艺、设备改造经验,介绍轧钢适用技术、科技创新、装备进步发展状况;
- NKK Corp.Production of low yield ratio fire resistant steel[P].Japan Patent:2000-192142,2000-01-11. 张志勤;张朝生.;建筑用耐火钢材的开发和应用[J]
- This article introduces the mix program and process flow of H beam production at Laiwu Iron and Steel Group Co.,Ltd.,and analyzes the main technical features of its process and equipment. 介绍了莱钢H型钢生产线的产品方案及生产工艺流程,分析了其生产工艺和主要设备技术特点。
- Construction: high pressure steel wire spiral rubber hose, covered with fire resistant paint coat, steel wire braided layer, and antiflamig layer. 结构:以高压钢丝缠绕胶管为基体外皮包覆耐火涂料层、钢丝编织层和阻燃层构成。
- Construction:high pressure steel wire spiralrubber hose,covered with fire resistant paint coat,steel wire braided layrer,and antiflaming layer. 以高压钢丝缠绕胶管为基体外皮包覆耐火涂料层、钢丝编织层和阻燃层构成。
- A fire resistance test has been carried out for a RC beam which is retrofitted with the composite cover of the high strength steel mesh and polymeric motar. 采用高强钢绞线网片-聚合物砂浆复合面层对一根经抗弯加固后的钢筋混凝土梁进行耐火试验。
- The two level computer control system is adopted on the reheating furnace in H Beam Mill of Magang Ltd. 马钢H型钢厂加热炉燃烧控制系统采用二级计算机控制系统。
- Development trend of intumescent fire resistant coating is presented. 指出了膨胀型防火涂料的发展动向。
- By Thermomechanical Coupled Finite Element Method, the hot rolling processes of H beam were simulated, and the rolling pressures and their distributions were obtained. 应用热力耦合大变形有限元方法,模拟了H型钢的热轧变形过程,给出了轧制力的大小及其分布方式。
- Fire Resistance Totem - Duration increased. 火抗图腾持续时间增加。
- Cold and fire resistance (see the table below). 寒冷和火焰抵抗(看下面的表格)。
- Founded in 2000, we mainly produce and export all kinds of steel products,mainly products are mild steel wires,H beams, carbon round steel, alloy structual steel, IPE and so on. 公司成立于2000年,主营优特钢,型材,拉丝用线材,钉屑,废钢,碳结钢,齿轮钢,合结钢,主要出口到欧洲,东南亚,中东,南美,北美国家。
- When buying, building or renovating your home, make sure all roofing materials are fire resistant. 当你买或装修你的家时,请确定所有屋顶材料都是防火材料。
- When re-install the fire resistant layer core, should guarantee the jointing surfaces are tight and without leakage. 重新安装阻火层芯子时应保证各接合面严密无泄漏。
- Fireproof performance, fire resistance and heat insulation. 防火性能,既隔火又绝热。
- ampicillin resistant H influenzae 氨苄青霉素耐药流感杆菌
- Fire Resistance Totem - Duration fixed to be 5minutes. 天怒图腾-持续时间修正为5分钟。
- Split rolling method which produces H beams is a new method of rolling from continuous slab. 劈分轧制法是用连铸板坯生产H型钢的一种新型轧制方式。