- Reading Material Financial Intermediaries in the U. S. A. 美国的金融中介机构银行承兑汇票。
- The cash rate is the rate charged on overnight loans between financial intermediaries. 隔夜拆款利率是金融中介机构间隔夜拆款的计息利率。
- Financial intermediaries are financial institutions through which savers can indirectly provide funds to borrowers. 金融中介是指储蓄者能间接为借款人提供资金的金融机构。
- Financial institutions can be grouped into two different categories: financial markets and financial intermediaries. 金融机构分成两种类型:金融市场和金融中介。
- Financial intermediaries include banks, mutual funds, and other financial institutions. 金融中介包括银行,共同基金和其他金融机构。
- Equally convincing arguments apply to the participation of foreign financial intermediaries in the equities and debt channels. 同样令人信服的理据适用于海外金融中介机构参与股票及债券市场。
- Soon it will be the financial intermediaries, or may be even the markets themselves, that will start to migrate into cyber space. 共聚天伦,都可以在网上进行大部分银行交易。很快就连金融中介人甚至金融市场本身,也会开始走进网上世界。
- But, subject to prudential considerations, overseas financial institutions may be allowed access to the domestic market as financial intermediaries. 不过,我们可以在经过审慎的考虑与审查后,让海外金融机构参与本地市场,作为金融中介机构。
- To a large extent we can rely on the market, assuming a high degree of freedom of entry for those wishing to become financial intermediaries. 在很大程度上,我们可以倚赖市场来作出判断,但条件是有关市场应该是开放的,打算成为金融中介机构的可以自由进入市场。
- Process where borrowers or investors bypass banks and other financial intermediaries by directly issuing or buying securities. 指借款者或投资人通过直接发行或购买证券,绕过银行和其他金融中介机构的现象。
- Financial intermediaries can substantially reduce transaction costs because of their large size and expertise in lowering them. 金融市场媒体因为其大规模和专业技术可以充分的减少这些交易成本。
- In practice we have to consider the cost-effectiveness of the provision of such a financial infrastructure and, importantly, the interests of the financial intermediaries. 但实际上,我们还要考虑提供金融基础设施的成本效益,以及金融中介机构的利益。
- I believe being aware of the risk is a very good start to managing it, particularly for financial intermediaries, whether as a creditor or a party in a transaction. 我相信对于金融中介机构而言,无论是作为债权人或是交易任何一方,知道风险存在是管理风险的好开始。
- Whatever it is, there is enough to make those responsible for monetary and financial stability, and I hope financial intermediaries as well, rather uneasy. 无论如何,这一切已足以令负责维持货币与金融稳定的人,以及金融中介机构感到不安。
- CMC Markets offers the opportunity for financial intermediaries to grow their earning potential without the requirement to manage the on-going client relationship. CMC Markets为金融中介提供的解决方案可以帮助客户实现业务增长,而无需管理后续的客户关系。
- It should be in the public interest to help avoid sudden reversals of risk appetite among financial intermediaries and investors, which have at times proven to be destabilizing. 应该从公众的利益出发,帮助金融中介机构和投资者避免所承担的风险突然出现逆转,而这可以证明,时常是动摇不定的。
- Either a stabilisation of home prices or a further rise in newly created equity value available to US financial intermediaries would address this impediment to recovery. 或者是房价企稳,或者是美国金融中介机构可获得的新增股权价值进一步上升,都会扫除这一复苏道路上的障碍。
- Or a group of co-ops may hire a financial intermediary. 合作社组织还可选择与金融中介协作。
- Development of financial intermediaries encourages the use of capitalized leases while the development of stock market discourages the use of preferred stock. 而股东权益之保护与资本租赁及特别股之使用呈正向关系;
- A growing number of financial intermediaries have responded to this problem by proposing structured products linked to hedge funds, and more particularly capital-protected notes. 越来越多的金融中介机构通过提议将结构性产品与对冲基金挂钩,以及更多独特的保本型债券来解决这个问题。