- But current financial supervision is facing legal system imperfect, divorcing from fiscal administration, uncompleted supervising strength and weak supervision function, etc. 但现时财政监督面临着法制不健全与财政管理相脱节、监督职能不到位及监督力量薄弱等问题。
- financial supervision function 金融监管职能
- Sixth, we shall strengthen financial supervision. 第六,加强财政监察。
- WTO and the Legal System of Financial Supervision in China II. 与中国金融监管法律制度研究2。
- Major Worries of the Japanese Financial Supervision System? 日本金融管制病在哪?
- On the Changes of the Financial Supervision System of U.S.A. 论美国金融监管的制度变迁。
- Fourth, optimize the financial supervision environment. 第四,优化人行金融监管环境。
- Let the Financial Supervision Become More Efficient? 金融监管如何更有效率?
- Therefore, we must strengthen financial supervision. 因此,要加强财政监察。
- Third, improve the financial supervision mechanism of the PBC. 第三,健全人行金融监管机制。
- These flat panel displays are equipped with a special integrated supervision function. 这些平板显示器都配备了专门的监督职能。
- NED is considered to have the ability of independent judgment and the supervision function so as to improve corporation governance. 非执行董事被认为具有很好的独立判断能力以及监督作用,有助于公司治理的改善。
- The supervision board, being the major undertaker of the firm's supervision function, plays a key role in the development of the firm. 而作为公司监督职能的主要承担者-监事会,对公司的发展确有举足轻重之作用。
- This article introduces the hardware structure and software program of new type code lock system with remote supervision function. 文章介绍了一个具有远程监控功能的新型密码锁的硬件构成和软件编程。
- II. Further speed up and deepen financial reform, and strengthen financial supervision and regulation. (二)继续加快和深化金融改革,加大金融监管力度。
- Intensifying internal and external supervision and improving legal system is an efficient means to enhance accounting supervision function and its effect. 强化内外监督,完善法律体系,是提高会计监督职能、增强会计监督效果的有效途径。
- Financial laws need to be enforced more strictly,and financial supervision and management need to be strengthened. 加强金融法治和监管。
- Further speed up and deepen financial reform,and strengthen financial supervision and regulation. 继续加快和深化金融改革,加大金融监管力度。
- Other documents and information requested by the financial supervision and regulation department. 金融监督管理部门规定的其他文件、资料。
- Financial supervision system research in the state-owned corporate governance II. 国有公司治理中的财务监督体制研究2。