- Family structure in China has changed greatly. 中国的家庭结构发生了很大变化。
- Such adjustments imply an essentially passive and melleable family structure. 这样的调整意味着一种实质上是被动的和富有弹性的家庭结构。
- Such adjustments imply an essentially passive and malleable family structure. 这样的调整意味着一种实质上是被动的和富有弹性的家庭结构。
- A new family structure, named DINK is emerging nowadays, which, as a kind of trend, could be regarded as a new culture. 摘要丁克家庭的出现是一个社会现象,它的发展体现了一种新兴的文化,它对中国社会产生的影响深远。
- Successful demographic transition should take into account the lowest boundary line of family planning and reconstruct the stable family structure. 成功的人口转变需要坚守计划生育的底线伦理和重建坚强有力的家庭结构。
- The outflowing period has some relations with the causes,family structure and source of income. 流浪儿童外流时间的长短与其外流原因、家庭结构、外流期间生活来源之间存在一定程度的相关。
- Changes in the Aercican family structure are evidenced by increased rates of separation and divorce. 美国家庭结构的改变可由升高了大分居率和离婚率得到证明。
- The changing family structure and weakening family relationship are eroding the traditional social support and caring functions of the family. 家庭结构改变,本港家庭的功能受到侵蚀,而家庭关系亦渐趋薄弱。
- The differences may include individuality, spiritual beliefs, gender, age, race, lifestyle, socioeconomic status, and family structure. 差异可能有个体、宗教、性别、年龄、种族、生活方式、社会经济状况、家庭结构等。
- Establishing an order of priorities and responsibilities helps to maintain a sense of normalcy within the family structure. 理清主次和责任的顺序有助于帮助保持家庭内部结构的正常感。
- However, significantly relationship between parental educational level, family structure, ethnics and adolescent's body size was not found. 父母的教育程度、家庭结构、族群则无统计上的差异。
- The standard model and the SSM can accommodate the observed family structure, but they cannot explain it.This is a strong statement. 标准模型以及SSM都可涵盖观察到的粒子家族结构,但是它们却无法解释为什麽会这样。
- Kobrin, F. E. &Waite, L. J. (1984). Effects of childhood family structure on the transition to marriage. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 46, 807-816. 单怀圣(民84)台北市高级中等学校学生婚姻与家庭生活态度及其相关因素之研究。中国文化大学家政研究所硕士论文,未出版硕士论文。
- According to the more traditional view point, these changes represent a breakdown in the family structure, a disintegration of values and decline of morality. 以较为传统的观点来看,这些变化代表着家庭结构的破裂、价值观的解体和道德的沦丧。
- A housemaid is necessary for many city families.With transformations of social structure, family structure and living rhythm speeding up at present time. 摘要当今,随着社会结构、家庭结构的转型及生活节奏的加快,保姆越来越成为许多城市家庭的必须。
- Since the NEET Syndrome spreads from United Kingdom to Asian countries, such as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, etc., the family structure in Taiwan had been influenced. 尼特现象从英国漫延到了亚洲国家,如日本、韩国、台湾等,因此台湾的家庭结构也受到了影响。
- The family structure of the Chinese type is more complicated, the traditional of happy family is all family lives together including grandparent and great-grandparent . 中国式的家庭结构比较复杂,传统的幸福家庭是四代同堂。
- She only unbends in the family circle. 她只在家庭环境里才不拘束。
- New family structures developed in response to the Industrial Revolution and the growth of cities. 新的家庭结构发展起来以适应工业革命和城市的发展。
- He's inconsiderate to his family. 他不体谅他的家人。