- Family novel was one of the most inclusiveChinese literary works with the strongest expressive force in the. 20th century. 家族小说是20世纪中国文学中最具涵盖力和表现力的题材类型之一。
- The family novel of the l990s has both recounting tradition of Chinese modem family novel and contemporary form innovation. 世纪末的家族叙事既有现代家族小说的艺术范式,又融入讲述话语年代的形式革新。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- Different from those critical text, some family novels narrate the ancestry's deeds and display their morals by the form of recalling and imagination.These stories contrast the pale reality. 摘要不同于对家族的批判叙事,现代家族小说也以回忆和想像的方式讲述家族祖先的事迹,表现其精神风采、道德操守,以此来比照当下现实的精神苍白和孱弱血性。
- She read me a few extracts from her own new novel. 她把她自己的新小说念了几段给我听。
- He found contentment in reading novels. 他从看小说当中得到满足。
- This paperwill explore the family and the gender perspective as reflected in theMing and Qing family novel of family life and gender differences in theperformance Text and cultural connotations. 本文就以家庭和性别为角度来探讨明清家庭小说所反映出的家庭生活及两性差异所表现出的文本和文化内涵。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- The novel originally came from a true love affair. 这本小说原先是从一个真实的爱情故事发展而来的。
- I'm beginning to find her novels rather passe. 我逐渐觉得她的小说格调陈旧。
- The critics looked down their noses at the novel. 这些评论家们都轻视这部小说。
- There are many needy families in our village. 我们村子有很多贫困家庭。
- His latest effort is a poor excuse for a novel. 他最近的作品只是一部劣质的小说。
- The poor families survived on relief. 这些贫穷家庭靠救济生存。
- His mother bought him a set of novels of Dickens. 他母亲给他买了一套狄更斯的小说。
- He wove four plots together into a novel. 他把四条情节编成一部小说。
- He earned his bread by writing novels. 他靠写小说维生。
- I like reading novels in my spare time. 我喜欢闲暇时读小说。
- A fund will be set up for the dead men's families. 抚恤死难工人家属的基金会即将建立起来。
- She writes novels with economical style. 她以简练的风格写小说。