- After the death of Napoleon, his empire began to fall to pieces. 拿破仑死后,他所建立的帝国也随之崩溃。
- The beautiful vase has fallen to pieces. 那个美丽的花瓶已摔成碎片。
- The old building was falling to pieces. 那座老房子眼看要垮掉了。
- All your insides fall to pieces. 从内部裂成碎片。
- That country will fall to pieces sooner or later. 那个国家迟早会瓦解的。
- This old coat of mine is falling to pieces. 我这件旧外套开始破烂了。
- When I picked up the cake,it fell to pieces. 我一拿,这块蛋糕就碎了。
- Our car is falling to pieces, we've had it so long. 我们的汽车已破旧不堪;我们已用了很久了。
- The old house fell to pieces in the big flood. 洪水中,这座老房子被冲垮了。
- He felt his moral nature falling to pieces. 他感觉到自己的德行已经丧失殆
- His fences were continually falling to pieces. 他的篱笆总是坍塌。
- The glass fell to the ground, broken to pieces. 杯子掉在地上,打成了碎片。
- After two years their marriage fell to pieces. 两年以后,他们的婚姻破裂了。
- Nigel will fall to pieces if he doesn't stop working so hard. 奈杰尔如果再这样拼命干下去,身体会垮下来的。
- All my clothes are falling to pieces. 我所有的衣服都将破旧不堪了。
- The old building fell to pieces in the war. 那座古建筑物在战争中倒塌了。
- Finally the Second International fell to pieces. 最后第二国际垮台了。
- During the storm, the old house fell to pieces. 在暴风雨中,那座老房子塌了。
- Nigel will fall to pieces if he does not stop working so hard. 奈杰尔如果再这样拼命干下去,身体会垮下来的。
- When I picked up the cake, it fell to pieces. 我一拿,这块蛋糕就碎了。