- factors of networks efficiency 网络效能指标
- Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) is serving as the important NM-enable technology. Its characteristics of network and collaboration are the key factors of successful implementation of CAPP in NM. 计算机辅助工艺规划(Computer Aided Process Planning,CAPP)作为实施网络制造的重要使能技术,其网络化和协同性是CAPP 在网络制造中成功应用的关键。
- This paper analyses on the factors of influencing the primary liter at ure guarantee of university, and introduces the methods and channels of making f ull use of network resources and increasing primary literature guaranteeing abil ity of university. 分析了影响高校一次文献保障能力的因素,介绍了如何利用网络资源提高高校一次文献保障能力的方法与途径。
- Based upon its formulization background analysis, this thesis explored the essence of network organization, and probed into the key factors of the corresponding management and operation. 本文在分析网络组织形成背景的基础上,探讨了网络组织的实质,并对网络组织在治理与运行中应注意的问题进行了研究。
- Then, at the foundation of the model of SIR for there has been up, we build up a model of SCIR that includes the factor of network infrastructure such asnetworm congest and delay. and compare the model of SCIR between the model of SIR. 然后,在已有的SIR模型的基础上,建立一个包含了网络延迟因素的SCIR模型,并比较了SCIR模型相对于SIR模型的优点。
- Take the kind of network that exists worldwide now, expand the bandwidth by a factor of 10, and it would be trivially easy for one of these entities to multiply itself a millionfold . 以目前遍布全球的网络观之,再将带宽扩展10倍,那么其中任何一个实体就能够不费吹灰之力的以百万级的速度单位进行自我繁殖。
- Discusses the meaning of network reference information resource evaluation,analyzes the 17 index factor of network reference information resource evaluation,points out the advertent problems of network refernce information resource evaluation. 文章论述了网络参考信息源评价的意义,分析了网络参考信息资源评价的17项指标因素,指出了网络参考信息源评价注意的问题。
- The determinate factor of our economy is to control inflation. 我们经济的决定性因素是控制通货膨胀。
- Routing tables keep track of network destinations. 路由表保持对网络目的地的跟踪。
- So let's analyze the factors of hindrance. 那么让我们来分析一下不利因素吧。
- Theory and Keep Away of Network Monitoring. 以太网监听的原理与防范。
- The total number of network buffers. 网络缓冲区的总数。
- Design factors of oilfield heaters. 油田加热炉设计要素及技术发展。
- Influence Factors of Exchange Rate? 影响汇率变动的因素?
- Fig. 4: The analysis of network flow. 图四、网路流量分析。
- What are the risk factors of osteoporosis? 骨质疏松症的危险因子为何?
- Bo you know what is the advantage of network? 你知道网络的优点是什么吗?
- This is the basic factor of the advance in price. 这就是涨价的基本原因
- A number of network related fixes. 大量网络相关问题修正。
- Another social factor of significance is education. 另一个积极的社会因素是教育。