- explicit language bindings 显式语言捆绑
- Therefore, it did not think it was necessary to amend the WIPO Convention to include explicit language on the development dimension. 因此,该代表团认为,没有必要修改《WIPO公约》,把发展议程明确地包括进去。
- The SCATCs plan to provide practical help, in the form of language bindings, a policy framework, and code patterns. 各个SCA技术委员会计划提供实质性的帮助,通过语言绑定、策略框架、代码模式等等方式。”
- On the list of proposals, it wished to support the proposal to amend the WIPO convention, Item I, to include explicit language on development. 在提案清单上,CSC希望支持第1项,即修改WIPO公约的提案,在公约中明确纳入有关发展的措辞。
- In the number of language bindings, it is only surpassed by GTK+, its RAD tools are innumerable, and there's even an OS/2 port. 在可用语言的绑定数上,它仅仅落后于GTK+,它的RAD工具有太多,甚至有OS/2的版本。
- First, the Representative indicated that IP Justice fully supported amending the WIPO Convention to include explicit language incorporating a development dimension. 首先,该代表表示,知识产权正义组织完全支持修订《WIPO公约》,在公约中明确包括发展方面的措辞。
- If the drafters had intended the section to apply to creditors whose debts arose during the period of two years, then they would have used more explicit language. 如果立法者有意使该条款适用债权关系在两年中产生这一情形,立法者势必会用更明确的文字来表达这一立法意图。
- Old-style services are not mapped into the C++ language binding. 没有将旧式服务映射至C++语言绑定。
- In the deeply conservative early1950 s, many Americans were shocked by“ Catcher”’ s explicit language and open treatment of delicate issues such as psychological instability and sexuality. 在极度保守的20世纪50年代初期,“守望者”口无遮拦的粗话,和对心理不稳定状态及性欲等敏感话题的开放态度,使许多美国人为之震惊。
- For each supported programming language, tools are provided to generate native language binding. 对于支持的每种编程语言,都提供了生成原生语言绑定的工具。
- But at the time of this writing, this type is still in the works, and no standardized Java language binding exists for it. 但是在写这篇文章时,这个类型还在计划中,还没有标准的Java语言绑定用于它。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- answer in clear and unequivocal terms; answer in explicit language 以毫不含糊的语言作出回答
- He avoids the explicit answer to us. 他避免给我们明确的回答。
- He gave me explicit directions on how to get there. 他清清楚楚地告诉我怎样到达那里。
- She was quite explicit about why she left. 她对自己离去的原因直言不讳。
- They gave explicit reasons for leaving. 他们明确地说出了离开的原因。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。