- expert system approach 专家系统法
- The interaction between user and expert system arising from the expert system's use. 使用专家系统而发生的用户和专家系统之间的交互作用。
- For constructing the ES, expert system tool CM. 为了建立专家系统;应用了专家系统工具 CM.
- An expert system is a program which organizes and presents pre- existing knowledge. 专家系统是一套能够整理并呈现既有知识的电脑程式。
- An approach of real-time expert system to diagnose the fault during the process of cold rolling is presented. 摘要设计了一个实时专家系统来完成冷轧过程的故障诊断。
- The paper also presents a new approach for modelling and scheduling FMC with expert system. 同时,提出了以专家 系统为工具进行制造单元建模与调度的设想。
- An expert system is a program which organizes and presents pre-existing knowledge. 专家系统是一套能够整理并呈现既有知识的电脑程式。
- The optimizer is equivalent in function to an expert system. 优化器在功能上等价于一个专家系统。
- The predominant feature of the mould is the hybrid approach which combines expert system technologies and neural networks techniques. 该模型的最主要的特征是采用了专家系统技术和神经网络技术的混合方法。
- A fuzzy expert system for defect inspection of TFT-LCD is proposed. 摘要提出了一种基于模糊专家系统的薄膜晶体管液晶显示器(TFT-LCD)缺陷检测技术。
- Knowledge base system(KBS) is a core component of expert system. 知识库是专家系统的核心组成部分。
- Expert System for Hydropower Plants Realtime Monitori ng? 要害词:实时监控;专家系统;软件;结构?
- Abraham Kandel, ”Fuzzy expert system”, CRC Press, Inc., 1992. 邓聚龙,“灰色系统理论与应用”,高立图书有限公司,1999。
- We ensure compatibility and replaceability though by using a modular and system approach. 但我们还是运用了模块化和系统化的方法保证了产品的兼容性和可替换性。
- Design and management expert system of welding process for pressure. 化工。压力容器焊接工艺制定与管理专家系统。
- System theory that researches system approach is lodged as the contradictory of deoxidize approach. 研究系统方法的系统论是作为“还原论”的对立物被提出来的。
- It has great interest to establish Expert System (ES) for spot welding process. 建立点焊专家系统,对于实现点焊过程的智能化,优化点焊规范参数,降低对操作者的要求,提高点焊质量,具有重要意义。
- Ensures a global quality system approach in the supply chain for supplier/subcontractor service consistency. 为供应商/转包商服务一致性在供应链保证一条全球的质量系统途径。
- This expert system in clinic is applied,is obtained the good effect. 该专家系统已在临床中应用,取得了良好的效果。
- This paper applies Case-Based Reasoning(CBR)to agriculture expert system. 该文将基于案例的推理方法CBR应用到农业专家系统中。