- There, Chinese authority was permitted to continue 'except insofar as may be inconsistent with the military requirements for the defence of Hong Kong'. 中国军舰仍有权使用九龙城的码头,中国仍保留该处的行政权力,"惟不得与保卫香港之武备有所妨碍"。
- The provisions of statute relating to defects as to quality and defects of title apply except insofar as otherwise provided hereinbelow. 除非下文另有规定,法律对质量缺陷和权利缺陷的相关规定应当予以适用。
- The two cases are unrelated, except insofar as they illustrate China's immunity to international appeals to respect human rights. 这两件案件虽然没有关联,但都显明了中国不理会国际间呼吁她尊重人权的呼声。
- I don't explain how the operating system works except insofar as it bears on what I think you need to know to effectively write drivers. 对操作系统如何工作,我不做赘述,除了有关我认为你需要了解以便有效的编写驱动的范围之内(的内容)。
- The value at the time of discharge shall include the cost of insurance and freight except insofar as such freight is at the risk of interests other than the cargo. 货物在卸货时的价值应包括保险费和运费,但不由货方承担风险的运费除外。
- They were not criminals running away from the law, except insofar as they were fleeing religious persecution.They stated their goals clearly in many public documents. 他们不是逃避法律的罪犯,充其量只是躲避宗教迫害,他们在许多公开文件中清楚地声明他们的目标。
- Code Section D is not intended to regulate the details of business relationships between Researchers and Clients except insofar as involving principles of general interest and concern. 标准的章节D不打算规定研究人员和客户之间的商业关系细节,除了涉及一般投资原则和利益问题。
- 21. A planet does not signify one thing except insofar as it brings it about. 星体所徵象的事务会因为该星体引动或者发生。
- Insofar as I can say now,I shall come. 目前我只能说来。
- Insofar as I can say now, I shall come. 目前我只能说来。
- Dieting is good insofar as it prevents gluttony. (节食的好处就在于它能遏制人们的暴饮暴食。
- I shall do what I can insofar as I am able. 在力所能及的情况下我将尽力而为。
- Insofar as possible, our examples will be drawn from Chinese. 在可能范围内,例证均引自汉语)。
- The solution is exact insofar as the model of the sphere is exact. 只要球的模型是精确的,这种解释就是精确的。
- All is in Divine Order insofar as the return of Earth to Light. 全部是在神圣秩序里如同地球返回到光里那样。
- except insofar as adv. 除非(除去)
- I'll help you insofar as I can. 我将尽力帮助你。
- There is no other extension of time or any claim that time is at large except insofar all known additional tasks as stated in contract singed on 2007-1-1. 汉译英(试译):2007年1月1日签定的合同已考虑到已知的附加任务,你方不能再对此提出工期延长申诉。
- Insofar as it can be ascertained,the horse lung is comparable to that of man. 就目前的研究程度而言,马的肺比得上人类的肺。
- But this student unrest is also a good thing,insofar as it is a reminder to us. 这件事发生了,也是好事,提醒了我们。