- A loop event monitor is a portable, prolonged ambulatory event recorder indicating if there is recurrent syncope and no organic heart disease (yield = 24% to 47%). 记忆环心血管事件监测器是一种便携式、可长时间记录病人活动时心血管事件的装置,可以表明是否有复发性晕厥与器质性心脏病(诊断率为24%25至47%25)。
- You can use event monitors to get a complete picture of activity. 您可以使用事件监视器来全面了解活动。
- In this installment, I'll show you how event monitors are used to capture monitor data for situations that can't be handled by the snapshot monitor..... 在本章,我将要来介绍事件监视器是怎么被用于捕获那些不能被快照监视器所抓取情况下的监视器数据。
- You may remember that the Database System Monitor is composed of two distinct kinds of monitoring tools: a snapshot monitor and one or more event monitors. 你也许还记得数据库系统监视器是由两种不同的监视工具组成:一个快照监视器和一个或多个事件监视器。
- Blocked output should generally be avoided, particularly for statement event monitors, as the instance can crash. 通常应该避免成块的输出,对于语句事件监视器更是如此,因为数据库实例可能会崩溃。
- Rather than just a snapshot, event monitors can be thought of a movie capturing what occurred over time. 事件监视器不只是拍一张快照,可以将它看作是一部电影,这部电影可以捕捉随时间流逝而发生的事情。
- He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。
- Event monitors, unlike snapshots, capture everything that happens in your particular area of interest over a period of time. 事件监视器与快照不同,它可以捕捉一段时间内您所感兴趣的特定范围内所发生的所有事情。
- It provides a scalable solution and offers an IT-focused software suite that includes options such as video analytics, health and event monitoring, and flexible archiving. 同时,为视频的处理提供了可升级的IT软件解决方案,包括视频分析,事件监控和灵活归档。
- The monitor is really a notch above us. 班长确实比我们略胜一筹。
- Prescription Event Monitoring (PEM) is a non-interventional observational method of adverse drug reaction monitoring, which was established first in England in 1981. 处方事件监测用非干预性、观察性药品不良反应监测方法,1981年在英国最早开展。
- Many students were absent, notably the monitor. 许多学生缺席,特别是连班长也没来。
- Development of Event Monitor for Home Health Care Center 家庭护理工程中心站状态监视功能模块的设计与实现
- We elected our monitor by a show of hands. 我们举手选举了班长。
- The patient was connected to the monitor. 病人被接上了监测器。
- He was the most timorous person in that event. 在那次事件中他是个胆小鬼。
- Certain sign precede certain event. 事情发生,必有先兆。
- It is easy to prophesy after the event. 事后诸葛亮,预言顶便当。
- Shows how the policy file can be configured for several facets of a service domain, including service level definitions, service selection, security, error recovery, event monitoring, and service mapping. 展示了如何配置策略文件,使之适应服务域的不同方面,如服务级别定义、服务选择、安全性、错误恢复、事件监视和服务映射等。
- This event will be covered live by TV. 此事将由电视作现场报道。