- escape beat (心脏的) 补充收缩
- 他将心脏比作打气筒(抽水机)有助於孩子们了解心脏的作用。 His comparison of the heart to a pump help the children understand its action.
- 心脏的 cordis
- 心脏 heart
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。 With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 这是美国人喜欢用的另一个词,意思和“Go fly a kite”或“Beat it”一样。 This is another American expression, with the same meaning as "Go fly a kite!" or "Beat it!"
- 腔静脉把血从身体的上部和下部抽光然后流入心脏的右心房的两支大静脉之一 Either of two large veins that drain blood from the upper body and from the lower body and empty into the right atrium of the heart.
- 心脏的跳动 the beating of the heart
- 酒刺激心脏的活动。 Alcohol stimulates the action of the heart.
- 心肥大心脏的扩大 Enlargement of the heart.
- 有些药物会减弱心脏的功能。 Some medicines depress the action of the heart.
- 心脏的机能 the action of the heart
- 心脏的瓣膜使血液只能朝一个方向流动。 The valves of the heart allow the blood to pass in one direction only.
- 心脏的功能 the function of the heart
- 两个心室占心脏的大部分。 The ventricles make up the greater part of the heart.
- 心肌是构成心脏的肌肉。 Cardiac muscle is the muscle out of which the heart is made.
- 心脏的横径 TD; transverse diameter
- 心脏的左面 left surface of heart
- 心电图仪能记录心脏的搏动。 The cardiograph records the heartbeat.
- 神经心脏的 neurocardiac