- Can you sue for malpractice and negligence? 你可以控告渎职和失职?
- This failure results from ignorance and negligence. 无知与疏忽是这错误的原因。
- At last we convicted him of his errors and made him offer an apology to her. 我们终于使他认识到自己的过失而且还让他身她道了歉。
- Ignorance and negligence resulted in this mistake. 无知与疏忽是这错误的原因。
- Ignorance and negligence has caused this mistake. 无知与疏忽是这错误的原因。
- The typist made a clerical error and gave the date as the31st June. 打字员在誊写中出了一个笔误,把打成6月31日了。
- Correct errors and omissions in this listing. 修改错误和冗余信息。
- Check again for errors and rewrite. 再次检查错误和写一次。
- He stated making errors and lost momentum. 他开始出错,并失去了优势。
- errors and negligence 讹漏
- Fix some typing error and translation issue. 修正了一些打字错误和翻译的问题。
- He has realized his error and shown repentance. 他已悔悟.
- He found an error and rigidly suppressed the notes. 他发现了一个错误,把注释硬给删掉了。
- Tracing error and informational messages only. 只跟踪错误和信息消息。
- Tracing error and warning messages only. 只跟踪错误和警告消息。
- There were a number of errors and omissions in the article. 这篇文章中有多处错误和疏漏。
- Why does Microsoft collect information about errors and problems? Microsoft为何要收集有关错误和问题的信息?
- Check each completed coding sheet for errors and omissions. 检查每张填好的编码页面,以防有错漏。
- Errors and prevention in management of penetrating chest injuries. 胸部穿透伤救治中常见失误及预防。
- Many of the problems are attributed to lax safety procedures and negligence. 人们把这些问题都归咎安全管理方面松散,执法不严上。