- Relationship Between Noise Figure and Equivalent Input Noise Current Spectral Density for Optical Receiver Design 光接收机前端等效输入噪声电流谱密度与噪声系数间的关系
- equivalent input noise current 等效输入噪声电流
- After building a model of this nonlinear pre-amplifier and assuming the equivalent input noise, the receiver's BER performance of the linear and nonlinear pre-amplifiers is calculated and compared. 建立了光接收机非线性前放的模型,在给定等效输入噪声的条件下,计算并比较了接收机采用线性前放与非线性前放的误码性能。
- Equivalent Input Noise of Cascade JFET Amplifier 级联结型场效应管放大电路的等效输入噪声
- equivalent input noise temperature 等效输入噪声温度
- Keywords seismograph acquisition station equivalent input noise gain; 地震仪;采集站;等效输入噪音;增益;
- equivalent input noise voltage 等效输入失调电压
- equivalent input noise 等效输入噪声
- The two noise elimination methods are proposed as noise current pre-storage and equivalent bandwidth outer filtering, which could be the foundation of the selection and design of quadrant photoelectric diode. 提出了噪声电流预存储和等带宽带外滤波两种消噪方法,可作为四象限光电二极管的选择和设计的基础。
- The expressions of the equivalent input resistance for driving plobe being the center conductor of the coax in a sectoral waveguide are derived. 摘要推导出扇面波导中激励探针的等效输入电阻表达式,探针是伸入波导中的同轴线的内导体。
- Know by careful study how the noise current that bas been captured by the shield returns to "ground". 干扰源会在屏蔽体上感应出电荷,因此一定要深入研究并掌握电荷的泄放路径。
- A is a poor choice, since noise current is allowed to flow in a signal through C4, is shown in Figure 13a. 点是错误的。因为噪声电流将会通过C4直接进入信号传输线,等效电路如图13a所示。
- equivalent input wideband noise voltage [电] 等值输入宽带杂音电压
- The paper introduced examining and removing methods for instrument input noise fault and gain fault of RAM in ARAM-ARIES acquisition station. 本文介绍了该系统采集站RAM的等效输入噪音故障和增益故障的检查和排除方法。
- It has been theoretically deduced that inversely linear dependency exists between r and the input noise in r-SVR. 这一关系曲线随着信噪比增加而斜率减小、整个曲线下移。
- ADC Input Noise: Good noise, bad noise and ugly noise. This is rarely a good method to eliminate noise ADC. ADC的输入噪声:好噪声,坏噪声和丑噪声。这是个很好的极少ADC噪音消除的方法。
- The input noise voltage of a quiet op amp is 1nv/sqrt(Hz) but there are plenty available with 20nV/sqrt(Hz). Op amps with bipolar front-ends have lower voltage noise and higher current noise than those with FET front-ends (低噪音运放的输入噪声电压可以达到1nv/sqrt(Hz) ,但是我们大量用到的运放具有20nV/sqrt(Hz)的输入噪音。
- We obtained the result that for the memoryless channel,the maximal average mutual information is in accordance with that the equivalent input probability can give according to the information theory. 研究结果表明:对于无记忆二元对称离散信道,最大平均互信息与信息论中相同输入概率使平均互信息最大化的结果是一致的;
- If the short circuit has a very low thermoelectric EMF, this can be used to verify input noise and zero drift with time. 如果输入端的短路点具有很低的热电动势,用这种方法就可以验证输入噪声和零点随时间的漂移。
- However,when the input noise is the double-peak Gaussian mixture noise,the noise can improve the signal correlation for the subthreshold signal and the suprathreshold signal,(i. 而当输入噪声为双峰高斯混合噪声时,不仅输入信号在阈下时随机谐振现象有时存在,而且输入信号在阈上时噪声往往也能改善信号的相关性,即阈上随机谐振现象存在。