- The spread of western enlightenment thoughts including science, ration, democracy, and equality caused an essential secularization movement in India. 摘要西方的以科学、理性、民主、平等为核心的启蒙思想在印度的深入传播,引发了印度的一场实质上的世俗化运动。
- Enlightenment ideas of Montesquieu and rational legal concept created very significant impact, but also promoted its further promoting enlightenment thoughts. 启蒙思想及其理性的法律观对孟德斯鸠造成了非常重大的影响,但同时也促使其更进一步的推动了启蒙思想。 作为启蒙法学家的孟德斯鸠将社会视为一个整体性的理性结构,自然万物都是这个结构中的饱含规律的受支配物,人类概莫能外。
- French enlighten thoughts of human rights rooted in 18th century,derived from the claim of the early bourgeois in France. 法国启蒙民权思想产生于18世纪中叶的法国,是当时法国新兴资产阶级要求在思想领域上的反映。
- The enlightenment thoughts began to dominate in the ideological area accompanied with the capitalist germination which differed greatly from the Confucianism. 作为理学异己因素的启蒙思潮,伴随着资本主义因素的萌芽而渐渐走上意识形态领域的前台。
- On second thoughts I think I'd better go now. 我又一想,认为最好是立刻就走。
- I said I wouldn't go, but on second thoughts I think I will. 我说过我不会去,但再一想,我决定要去。
- How can I enlighten your wooden head? 我怎么才能让你这木头疙瘩开窍呢?
- How can we divert her thoughts from her sad loss? 我们怎样才能使他不再想到她可悲的损失?
- His inmost thoughts are not healthy. 他心灵深处的思想是不健康的。
- It was that thought which made me ask an unquiet question calmly. 是那个想法使我平静地问了一个令人焦急的问题。
- His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。
- Her sad looks reflected the nature of her thoughts. 她面带忧伤显出心事重重。
- Enlighten me with your thoughts on this matter. 你们在如下事件上的思想启发了我。
- She thought of brushing up her shorthand. 她想到要复习一下过去学过的速记术。
- Can you enlighten me on this issue? 你能否在这个问题上指点我一番?
- His thoughts seemed to be jumbled up. 他的思想似乎很混乱。
- It was once thought unmanly not to drink and smoke. 身为男子不抽烟不喝酒曾视为无男子气概。
- Can you enlighten me on this subject? 关于这个问题,你能指点我一下吗?
- I'm haunted with gloomy thoughts and sad memories. 我常为悲观的思想和悲痛的追念所困扰。
- The thought nerved me to make an other effort. 这种想法激励我再作一番努力。