- endorsement after protest [经] 拒绝承兑后的背书
- In 2000, a similar program was proposed, but it was shelved after protest from immigrant communities. 英国当局在2000年也曾提出一项类似的计划,但是遭到移民区的抗议后被搁置了。
- He was reinstated after protests by fellow workers. 后来在同事抗争下,他获得复职。
- Plans to build a new mall were deep-sixed after protests from local residents. 修建新室内购物中心的计划由于当地居民反对而搁浅。
- The city was gripped by violence after protesters and police clashed. 藏民与员警间的暴力冲突充斥著整个城市。
- Similar measures had been considered in 2000, but were shelved after protests from immigrant communities. 这种类似的措施曾经在2000年被列为提案,但是受到移民社区的抗议而被搁置。
- Residents say Iran has periodic crackdowns after protests by conservatives that many women are flouting the dress code. 伊朗每隔一段时间就会有保守者对女士们无视教规对服装的规定而进行抗议,之后政府就会抓紧对妇女服装的管制。
- A member of the KOC was held by police for two hours after protesting the measure, the official added. 这位官员还补充说,KOC的一名委员由于对多哈组委会此项举措表示抗议而被当地警方带走扣押了2个小时。
- She was a bit queer after her husband deserted her. 她遭丈夫遗弃後精神有点失常。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- Thousands of stranded British tourists in Thailand are set to fly home after protesters said they will end their occupation of Bangkok's airports. 示威者表示将结束佔领曼谷机场的行动之后,数以千计滞留泰国的英国游客终于得以飞返家园。
- Even Yangtze River boat service to Badong was suspended, ostensibly because the docks needed repair, after protesters vowed to hold a demonstration there. 在抗议者誓言要在当地举行抗议活动后,甚至去巴东的长江摆渡服务也被中止,表面看是因为码头需要修理。
- The torch arrived in California early Tuesday, a day after protesters scaled the famous Golden Gate bridge to hang banners supporting Tibetan freedom from China. 火炬星期二早上抵达加利福尼亚州;在火炬抵达前一天,抗议者攀缘著名的金门大桥,悬挂支援西藏自由的条幅。
- The door shut with a bang after the angry man. 那人愤怒地走出屋把门砰地一声关上了。
- He had had a blackout after the accident. 事故发生后,他晕过去一阵子。
- It seems so absurd to bear malice after all that. 经过这一切之后还抱有怨恨情绪是很荒谬的。
- After the endorsement of his home state the candidate campaign in the neighboring state. 得到了本州的支持後,这个竞选者就到邻州游说去了。
- He is out and about now after two weeks in hospital. 在医院住了两个礼拜後,现在他能外出走动了。
- If today is Tuesday, the day after tomorrow will be Thursday. 假如今天是星期二,後天就是星期四。
- After a week's work I like to retreat to the country to relax. 工作一周之後,我喜欢躲到乡下松弛一下。