- An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder. 疼痛作为伤害、疾病或感情的混乱的结果以各种不同严重程度出现的令人不快的情感
- Free from emotional disorder. 情绪正常的没有情绪混乱的
- Conclusion: Fluoxertinwas effective in hypertension patients with emotional disorder. 结论:氟西汀辅助治疗高血压伴情感障碍者,效果满意。
- He said an emotional disorder called Trichophagia leads young girls to eat hair. 这名女子的家人表示她有吃母亲头发的习惯,但是不知道她是从哪里得到这些头发。
- Conclusion Citalopram has notable curative effect and high safety in children with depression and emotional disorder. 结论西酞普兰治疗儿童抑郁和情绪障碍疗效显著,安全性高。
- The mathematics emotional disorder of students has long been ignored by math educators, but it is really a very serious problem in math-studying. 数学学习情绪障碍是一个很少被数学教育工作者重视,但又确实是一个数学学习中非常严重的问题,它对学生的认知发展、心理健康都有很大的影响。
- Objective:To investigate the relationship between chest pain and emotional disorder in patients with angiographically normal coronary arteries. 目的:旨在探讨冠脉造影阴性患者胸痛与情绪障碍之间的关系。
- AAT would help to lessen the anxiety of children, promote their socialization, and especially reduce problem behaviors of children with emotional disorder, ADHD, autism, or CP, meanwhile, facilitate their development. 尤其是可减少情绪问题、注意缺陷和行为障碍、自闭症及脑瘫儿童的问题行为,并促进他们的发展。
- The emotional disorder of the caregivers was relative to behavioral deviation of the children, rehabilitation treatment and relationship between caregiver and the child(P<0.05,P<0.01,P<0.05). 智能低下儿童照顾者的情绪障碍;与患儿是否有异常行为倾向、是否接受系统的康复训练以及照顾者与小儿的关系有关(P<0.;05;P<0
- Results:The protracted withdrawal symptoms,emotional disorder and drug-seeking behavior were improved significantly in trazodone group than in controls,and severe side effects were not found. 结果:曲唑酮较安慰剂能明显减轻患者的稽延性戒断症状、情绪障碍及对毒品的心理渴求,且无严重不良反应。
- Conclusion Emotional disorders and alexithymia are common in alcoholics. 结论纠正情绪和述情障碍可能有利于戒酒成功。
- Objective To explore the emotional disorders and alexithymia of alcoholics. 目的探讨酒依赖患者的情绪障碍和述情障碍。
- Here were children his own age, some struggling on crutches and others trapped in emotional disorders he could not fathom. 这里的孩子与他年龄相仿,有些拄著拐杖挣扎前进,有的深陷他所无法理解的情绪漩涡里。
- The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis,treatment,and prevention of mental and emotional disorders. 精神病学,医学的一支,专门从事精神和情感疾病的诊断、治疗和预防。
- criminal theory of emotional disorder 情绪障碍犯罪说
- The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders. 精神病学医学的一支,专门从事精神和情感疾病的诊断、治疗和预防
- Cunculsion The doctors should pay attention to the coronary heart diseases with alexithymia and emotional disorders. 结论情绪障碍和述情障碍常见于冠心病患者,临床医师应预以重视。
- emotional disorder with onset specific to childhood 特发于童年的情绪障碍(F93)
- The meeting finished in disorder. 会议结束时一片混乱。
- A third important component of Beck's model lies in his outline of some broad categories of dysfunctional thinking errors commonly found in emotional disorders. 贝克理论中第三个重要元素便是对几类常见于情感障碍中的思维错误之描述。