- Film structure, phrase composition, element composition were studied using XRD,SEM,EDS,and XPS in detail. 使用了X射线衍射仪、扫描电镜、光电子能谱仪 金相显微镜对膜层的结构、相组成、元素组成进行了系列的分析。
- Density of the fired specimens was determined. Microstructure and element composition were examined by SEM and EDX. 采用排水法测试试样密度,利用SEM和EDX分析微观结构和元素组成,采用四探针法测量电阻率。
- Objective Research element composition of producing power in foundry work and quarry work. 调查研究某铸造作业和采石作业生产性粉尘成分的元素含量。
- The element composition and the group content of lignin are different if it prepares by the different methods. 不同方法制备得到的木质素产品,元素组成及官能团含量是不同的。
- From observation of light microscope, SEM and TEM revealed the predominant bacteria of various groups, and element composition of granular sludge was analysed by EDXA. 光学、扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜观察揭示出各生理群的优势菌,并用能谱仪对颗粒污泥的元素组成进行了分析。
- Basing on the albic soil in Mingguang area of Anhui province, this paper deals with the element composition and motivation property of soil solution. 以安徽省明光地区白浆化土壤为例,分析土壤溶液元素的组成与迁移特征。
- Compared with the sulfonate lignin, HBS lignin is discriminated in the physico-chemical characteristic, element composition and group content. 甲氧基是其中的一个重要体现。
- Acording to element composition of TSP determined by using X\|ray fluorescence,the method of factor analysis is adopted to explore sources of TSP. 根据X荧光分析测定的TSP元素成分,采用因子分析法探讨了TSP污染的来源。
- The Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) technique is now well established as a powerful too] for ancient ceramic by analyzing the pattern of element composition. 能量色散X射线荧光(EDXRF)分析技术是一种无损分析技术,具有分析速度快,分析结果准确的特点,可以进行多元素的同时分析,十分适合于古陶瓷样品的检测与分析,在古陶瓷研究中展示了很好的发展前景。
- Through the selection of op-timum concentration for element composition in phosphating bath,an optimum formula for middle level tempera ture phosphating pro cess is determined. 通过对磷化液中基本成分的优选,确定出了中温磷化钝化二合一工艺的最佳配方。
- The abnormal phenomena are related to the later thermal sulfate reduction (TSR) to hydrocarbons, for the characteristics of the element composition (i.e. 造成烷烃气碳同位素倒转的原因可能是后期热化学硫酸盐还原反应(TSR)改造;
- Combining image simulation with image matching, the methods of quantitative analysis of HREM images have been studied for information such as element composition and atomic structures in detail. 结合像模拟、图像匹配等手段,详细研究了从高分辨像中提取元素分布、原子结构等信息的定量分析方法;
- A study on trace element composition and distribution in minerals crystallized from mantle fluids based on the phenomenon of metasomatism in the Shuanggou ophiolite is reported in this paper. 对云南双沟蛇绿岩中存在的地幔交代作用进行的研究结果表明,由地幔流体结晶而成的矿物(单斜辉石、尖晶石、石榴石、绿泥石),其微量元素组成与分布特征受地幔交代作用过程的控制。
- This paper analyses elemental composition of sliding guide on pusher-type reheating furnace, introduces the research and application of a new sliding guide material. 摘要分析了推钢式加热炉滑块材料的元素构成,并介绍了一种新材质滑块的研究与应用情况。
- By now I'll assume you have a fairly convincing CG element composited into your background. 现在我肯定你有相当可信的CG元素合成到背景中了。
- The elemental composition of particles was titanium alloy, polyethylene and bone cement with BaSO4. 磨损颗粒主要成分为钛合金、聚乙烯、含硫酸钡骨水泥;
- The homogeneous temperature, decrepitation temperature, major element compositions and volatile components of the inclusions were determined. 工作主要包括:包裹体的均一与爆裂温度测量,化学成分与气相组分分析,热解释放气体分析,碳、氢、氦、氖同位素分析等。
- The yield,distillation range , elemental composition and other properties ofsolid heat carrier retorting tar from Shenfu coal were determined. 本文对神府煤固体热载体新法干馏焦油的性质和组成进行了研究。
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷机上可拆卸的打印部件。
- The caustic extract of Jinan FCC LCO was found to comprise over 70 phenols by elemental composition, IR and GC/MS analyses. 采用元素组成、IR和GC/MS等方法对济南炼油厂的催化裂化柴油碱洗出物进行分析,鉴定出70多个酚类化合物。