- A high level of unemployment was the chief domestic economic trouble spot. 高失业率是国内经济最麻烦之处。
- They wanted government small and taxes low, with individuals in economic trouble left to fend for themselves. 他们想要的是“
- Instead, he said, the agency has raised fees on loans and cut back on debt counseling for small businesses in economic trouble. 反之,他表示,该机构已经提高了贷款的费用,同时削减了小型企业在经济衰退时期的债务咨商。
- Until recent weeks, the economic troubles seemed surmountable.Mr. 直到几周前,经济动荡似乎还不在话下。
- Worsening economic troubles are stoking fears that societal discontent is growing. 日益糟糕的经济问题导致社会不满的增加,俄国正在为此担心。
- The Vice President Biden said the Obama administration misread the severity of US's economic troubles. 副总统拜登说,奥巴马政府误读了美国经济所陷困境的程度。
- The position of former Soviet bloc countries reflects decades of indoctrination in atheism as well as their recent economic troubles. 前苏联国家则反映出数十年来所灌输的无神论,以及近年的经济困境。
- That year yielded the Smoot-Hawley tariff act, the product of a special session of Congress called by Hoover to address the economic troubles. 那年由胡佛任命的、针对经济困境的特别任期国会通过了Smoot-Hawley关税法案。
- Kasparov wanted to draw attention to Russia's economic troubles and to protest Kremlin plans to extend the presidential term from four years to six. 他希望拉动(各界)注意到,俄国经济困难及克里姆林宫计划延长总统任期由四年到六年。
- "Smith said she hasn't seen the property or visited Saginaw, which has been hard-hit by economic troubles in recent years. 她还没有见亲眼见到她的这套房产或访问过最近几年经济遭受重创的萨吉诺。
- The Kremlin said Wednesday the Time recognition was seen there as an acknowledgment of Putin's role in helping Russia pull out of its social and economic troubles in the 1990s. 克里姆林宫于本周三表示,普京当选《时代》年度人物是《时代》杂志对其政绩的承认,普京总统带领俄罗斯走出了上世纪90年代的社会和经济困境。
- Meantime, President-elect Barack Obama says a good portion of the nation's economic troubles can be blamed on government regulators who “ drop ped the ball ”. 同时,美国下任总统-奥巴马把美国现在所面临的一部分经济问题归咎于政府监管者的失职。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- Among the most interesting parts of the book were Lee Kuan Yew's references to the Philippines and his sadness that our talented nation could suffer so many socio-political and economic troubles. 李光耀也在书中提及菲律宾。对于菲律宾拥有许多人才,却频频面对社会、政治和经济问题,他感到惋惜。
- Mother works economic advantages accrue. 母亲工作时经济收入增加了。
- But while most of Asia is far from recession territory, its economic troubles appear to be intensifying, in part because of the deteriorating global situation as the U.S. financial crisis escalates. 尽管亚洲大部分地区都远未到衰退的地步,但亚洲的经济问题看起来却在加剧,原因之一是随着美国金融危机的升级,全球经济形势不断恶化。
- They had led the country into economic disaster. 他们把国家带入了经济灾难中。
- Among the most interesting parts of the book were Lee Kuan Yew's references to the Philippines and his sadness that the talented nation could suffer so many socio-political and economic troubles. 在李光耀的回忆录中,最令人感兴趣的章节是有关菲律宾的问题。菲律宾拥有许多人才,却总是社会、政治和经济问题不断,他对此感到十分惋惜。
- But, inasmuch as the falling price of oil (and that of other commodities) is a symptom of worsening economic troubles in America and beyond, it may be merely a confirmation of their fears. 但由于油价下跌(连带其他商品)象征美国及其他地区经济问题恶化,这或许只印证了这些人的担心。
- Do you know the economic policy of this year? 你知道今年的经济政策吗?