- Effect of Alfalfa on the Soil Eco Environment. 苜蓿对土壤生态环境的影响。
- Influence of eco environment on crude fibre resolvability of ruminal microbial flora in vitro culture. 主要生态环境变化对离体瘤胃菌丛降解粗纤维能力的影响
- The gold gangue located in the offshore has a big influence on air, surface water, groundwater and tress because of very sensitive eco environment. 近海生态环境具有特殊敏感性,金矿尾矿库座落于这一地区,会对大气、表水、下水及防风树林产生影响。
- The gold gangue located in the offshore has a big influence on air,surface water,groundwater and tress because of very sensitive eco environment. 近海生态环境具有特殊敏感性,金矿尾矿库座落于这一地区,会对大气、地表水、地下水及防风树林产生影响。
- For bank system abatement peripheral environment influence. 为银行体系减除受周边环境的影响。
- Characteristics and Protection of the Eco environment Alongside the Wanjiazhai Huanghe River Diversion Project. 山西万家寨引黄工程沿线生态环境特征及其保护
- Some reasonable advices on the protection of regional agricultural eco environment were put forward. 并对西部大开发中贵州农业生态环境保护提出了合理建议。
- Scientific evaluation of the agricultural eco environment of Guizhou can provide theoretical basis for regional development strategy of West of China. 科学地评价贵州的农业生态环境,可以为西部大开发中的区域发展战略提供理论依据。
- Current situation of bio safety in animal farming industry and eco environment, drug residues and safety of animal products were stated. 论述了我国养殖业生物安全的现状,以及生态环境、药残超限和动物产品安全等状况。
- Eco environment conservation and economic development are the two sides of a contradiction which restricts and accelerates each other at the same time. 生态环境和经济发展是矛盾统一体,它们之间相互制约、相互促进。
- Commentary: Do genes or environment influence development of rheumatoid arthritis? 评论:基因或环境是否影响类风湿关节炎的发病?
- The application of fuzzy synthesis evaluation has an important reference significance and value to the analysis of ecological environment influence. 模糊综合评价方法对于生态环境影响分析与评价具有重要的参考意义和应用价值。
- The simulating results show that the scheme of farming and stockbreeding promoting is the best adjustment scheme for agricultural eco environment system in arid and semi-arid regions. 经仿真模拟及其结果对比分析,“农牧互促”方案是研究区农业生态系统的优化调控方案。
- The ideal mathematics formula of A/D converter between its output value and input analog signal isn't yet tenable because of environment influence. 摘要由于数据采集通道受外界环境因素的影响,A/D转换器输出数值与输入模拟信号之间对应的理想数学关系式不再成立;
- If faces the floor profession the austere situation imputes merely in the environment influence, this rather has exaggerates the suspicion. 假如把地板行业所面临的严峻形势仅仅归罪于大环境的影响,这未免有夸大其词之嫌。
- The rural labor force shift is a complex systems engineering and is restrained to economical, social, the humanities and the natural environment influence. 摘要农村劳动力转移是一个复杂的系统工程,受制于各种经济、社会、人文和自然环境的影响。
- To advancing temperature measuring accuracy makes analysis and comparison for environment influence in temperature measuring by a monocolor and two-color. 为了提高测温的准确性,分别对单色、比色测温中环境辐射的影响进行了分析比较。
- This topic investigated the Hui'an County land ecological environment present situation, has appraised the land utilization type to the ecological environment influence. 本课题调查了惠安县土地生态环境的现状,评价了土地利用类型对生态环境的影响。
- integrated evaluation of eco environment 自然生态环境评价
- This article, analyzing main pollution produced out of EMM, tells of environment reasonability in the assessment of environment influence, including clean production, pollution prevention and feasibility of target. 摘要通过分析电解金属锰项目产生的主要污染因素,重点介绍了环境影响评价中选址的环境合理性论证、清洁生产分析、污染防治措施的达标可行性论证3个方面的内容。