- earth coast station 海岸地球站
- DSC distress acknowledgements are normally transmitted by coast stations in response to a received DSC distress call. 为响应DSC遇险呼叫,一般是由接收到的海岸电台发出DSC遇险收妥。
- Coast station providing QTG service 提供根据船舶要求而发送测向仪信号的岸台
- With these methods, the cumulative annual maximum heights on the sea can be obtained using observations at a nearby coastal station. 用这些方法,采用附近沿岸台站的观测资料,可以得到海上累年的最大波高。
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。
- The earth is only a speck in the universe. 地球在宇宙中只不过是一个小点罢了。
- A large earth quake will strike the north coast. 一场大地震将袭击北海岸。
- How on earth do they manage to rob the bank? 他们到底怎么抢了银行的?
- A number of satellites are now circling the earth. 一些人造卫星现在正环绕地球飞行。
- The machine cast up a big heap of earth. 机器卷起了一大堆泥土。
- The red sun lights up the sky and the earth. 红太阳照亮了天空和大地。
- For the south China coastal waters, the Observatory also prepares weather bulletins which are broadcast via local radio and coastal stations. 天文台亦制备华南海域天气报告,透过本地和海岸电台广播。
- The 24-hour marine weather forecasts issued twice daily are broadcast in NAVTEX by coastal stations to ships plying in the region. 天气预测总部每日两次发出24小时海洋天气预报,由海岸电台以中频航行专用电报向区内来往的船只广播。
- Who on earth is that female he's with? 跟他在一起的那个女人究竟是谁?
- medium wave coastal station service 中波海岸服务站
- Antarctica is the loneliest place on earth. 南极是地球上最偏远的地区。
- He dived his hand into the earth. 他将手插入泥土中。
- short wave coastal station service 短波海岸服务台
- Earth worms are often used as bait. 蚯蚓常用作鱼饵。