- Passively increases the duration of illumination. 被动增加圣光的持续时间。
- The duration of the examination is three hours. 考试时间为三个小时。
- Limited to the duration of an episode; temporary. 短暂的仅限于一个插曲持续的时间; 短暂的
- The duration of such conditional release. 假释期这种有条件释放的期限
- He was prepared to do this for the duration of the campaign. 他准备好在选举期间做这件事。
- Overall level of illumination inadequate. 整体上的照明水平不够。
- The duration of marriage is related most obviously to the expectation of life. 很明显,婚姻生活的持续时间与人的预期寿命有关。
- Poor: Overall level of illumination inadequate. 差:整体上的照明水平不够。
- Let's hope the gunmen will hold off for the duration of the cease-fire. 但愿持枪歹徒在停火期间能约束自己的行动。
- The term or duration of such a contract. 租期这样一种契约的期限或持续时间
- The duration of pain was prolonged. 疼痛期延长。
- Lack of illumination caused by an electrical power failure. 照明不足由电力缺乏引起的照明不足
- Its length determines the duration of the project. 它的长度就是确定工程任务的工期。
- For invention the duration of protection be15 year. 发明专利的保护期限为15年。
- Increased duration of Improved Battle Shout. 提高了强化战斗呐喊的持续时间·。
- Increases the duration of curses. 增加诅咒持续时间。
- Duration of specialized study applied for. 请标明你所申请的学习时间。
- A unit of illumination equal to one lumen per square centimeter. 辐透,厘米烛光光源单位,相当于每平方厘米一流明
- Duration of the major study applied in China. 请标明你所申请的来华学习时间。
- This section describes the duration of SET options. 本节介绍了SET选项的持续时间。