- Methods: The dual wavelength spectrophotometry was adopted. 方法:采用双波长分光光度法。
- Methods: To determine the content of the aconitine by dual wavelength TLCS. 方法:采用双波长薄层扫描法测定了其中的乌头碱含量。
- The content of neferine in Plumula Nelumbinis wsa determined by dual wavelength TLC scanning. 采用双波长薄层扫描法测定莲子心中甲基莲心碱的含量。
- Some factors affect the determination of asphaltine content in crude oil by dual wavelength spectrophotometric method. 沥青质在原油中的稳定性主要取决于原油对沥青质的溶解能力。
- Methods The contents of levofloxacin and tinidazole in auristilla were determined by dual wavelength spectrophotometry. 方法采用双波长分光光度法直接测定左氧唑滴耳液中主药的含量,以留样观察法考察其稳定性。
- Compared with the peak method the accuracy is improved 70 times and the error of the wavelength detection decreases greatly. 该方法利用扫描的光强分布图形的质心检测光纤光栅的波长变化,与传统的峰值法相比可使检测精度提高70倍,大大降低了波长检测误差。
- Sunset yellow and ponceau 4R were simultaneously determined by dual wavelength equalizing-account method. 采用双波长补偿计算法同时测定饮料中的食用合成色素日落黄与胭脂红。
- HPLC was used to determine the active ingredient content of 1% M18, using a gradient mobile phase and wavelength detection at 250 nm. 研究用高效液相色谱法分析1%25农乐霉素中有效成分的含量,采用梯度流动相,检测波长为250nm。
- The dual wavelength UV spectrophotometry of amoxicillin and cloxacillin in the compound preparation was studied. 采用双波长分光光度法,不经分离直接测定羟氨苄青霉素、邻氯青霉素复方制剂中各组分的含量。
- Methods: The determinations of matrine and oxymatrine were carried out by dual wavelength TLC scanning. 方法:采用双波长薄层扫描法对苦参不同炮制品进行了含量测定。
- The contents of the levofloxacin and tinidazole in suppository are determined by dual wavelength spectrophotometry. 采用双波长法测定栓剂中左氧氟沙星和替硝唑的含量。
- The quantity of active component ephedrine of Herba Ephedrae in Qianbai Biyan Granules was determined using dual wavelength TLC scanner. 采用双波长薄层扫描法测定了千柏鼻炎颗粒中麻黄的有效成分麻黄碱的含量;
- Dual wavelength violet spectrophotography was used to determine the content of glutaral and benzalkonium chloride in disinfectant sample. 采用双波长紫外分光光度法测定复方消毒剂样品中戊二醛和苯扎氯铵的含量。
- METHODS:Dual wavelength TLC-scanning method was used to determine the contents of catalpol in different processed products of rehmannia root. 方法:用双波长薄层扫描法对不同地黄炮制品中梓醇含量进行检测。
- The contents of Berbercine Hydrochloride and Geniposide in Niuhuangshangqing soft capsules were determined by the dual wavelength TLC\|scanner. 采用双波长薄层扫描法测定了牛黄上清软胶囊中黄连、黄柏的有效成分盐酸小檗碱、栀子的有效成分栀子甙的含量;
- A simple and accurate dual wavelength UV spectrophotometric method was proposed for the determination of compound chlorzoxazone tablets. 双波长分光光度法直接测定复方氯唑沙宗片中两组分的含量及溶出度。
- The contents of amoxicillin and ciprofloxacin hydrochloride in the abingshaxing soluble powder were determined by dual wavelength spectrophotometry. 应用双波长分光光度法测定阿丙沙星可溶性粉中阿莫西林、盐酸环丙沙星的含量。
- OBJECTIVE:To establish a dual wavelength spectrophotometry method for determination of naftifine and ketoconazole in comound naftifine cream. 目的:用双波长等吸收点法测定复方萘替芬霜中萘替芬和酮康唑的含量。
- The extraction technology of lecithin was proposed and the content of PC in lecithin was determined by dual wavelength thin-layer scanning chromatography. 本研究建立了以新疆本地胡麻油脚为原料的卵磷脂提取工艺及双波长薄层扫描法测定胡麻卵磷脂中磷脂酰胆碱含量的分析方法。
- Columbianetin acetate in Duhuo Jisheng?an Koufuye was extracted refluxenthy with CHCl3 and determined by dual wavelength thin layer chromatography scanning. 对独活中的二氢欧山芹醇乙酸酯进行薄层扫描定量。