- Objective: To assess the function of minitype drinking water treatment units. 摘要目的:对小型水质处理器进行功能性研究。
- Methods: The effect of minitype drinking water treatment units were tested. 方法:对32台中空纤维加活性炭结构的小型家用水质处理器进行功能性检验。
- Objective:To assess the function of minitype drinking water treatment units. 目的:对小型水质处理器进行功能性研究。
- Abstract: Ozonation is increasingly used in drinking water treatment as an alternative method of chlorination. 摘要: 臭氧消毒作为氯消毒的替代方法,在饮用水处理中被越来越多地应用。
- Crustacean plankton (Cyclops) breeding in reservoir has brought new problem to water treatment process, and brought threat to safety of drinking water. 浮游甲壳动物(剑水蚤 )在水库水中的孳生给水处理工艺带来了新的问题,同时也给饮用水的安全带来了威胁。
- Cyclops of zooplankton can be thoroughly removed from water treatment process to insure drinking water quality by in-depth study and design improving water treatment craft. 相信通过更加深入的研究和设计;必将完善水处理工艺;从而达到彻底在水处理过程中安全有效的去除剑水蚤类浮游动物、保证饮用水质安全的目的.
- Anselme, C. et al., “Optimum Use of Membrane Processes in Drinking Water treatment” , paper presented at the 19th IWSA Congress,Budapest, Hungary(1991). 张栋江,“扫流微过滤法之过滤数学模式及应用”,国立华大学化学工程研究所博士论文(1995)。
- Chemical Water Treatment Equipment: widely used to produce softened industrial water, desalted water, industrial pure water and urban drinking water through exchange reaction. 化学水处理设备:广泛应用于工业软化水、脱盐水、工业纯水及城市饮用水等方面。通过交换反应,达到水质软化或除盐的目的。
- Nakatsuka, S., Nakate, I. and Miyano, T.,“Drinking water treatment by using ultrafiltration hollow fiber membranes.”, Desalination 106, pp.55-61(1996). 郑清宗等,“废水薄膜处理技术应用与推广手册”,经济部工业局(2000)。
- The holistic approach of water quality control and management from catchment through water treatment to consumers assures the safety of the drinking water supply and minimisation of public health risks. 本港的食水从集水区,经过处理程序至供应给用户前都采用全面性的管理及品质控制,以确保食水可以安全饮用及将公共生风险减至最低。
- Waterborne cryptosporidium infection in terms of pathway and symptom was described. Several disinfection and inactivation methods applied in drinking water treatment, especially the sequential disinfection by different disinfectants were introduced. 摘要介绍了隐孢子虫病的症状和传播途径,并着重论述控制水体隐孢子虫卵囊的化学灭活方法。
- Aiming at a method of risk analysis for drinking water treatment,a statistical conceptual model was developed to simulate the chlorination disinfection processes in a conventional waterworks. 以建立给水处理过程的风险分析方法为目标,提出了适用于传统给水处理工艺的氯消毒概率机理模型。
- Ozone is a strong oxidant and can oxidate the organic nitrogen in preozonation process for drinking water treatment, which will result in the rising of NH(superscript +)4-N concentration. 摘要臭氧作力一种强氧化剂,在饮用水预臭氧化工艺中对水中的有机氮有氧化作用,可导致NH(上标+)4-N浓度升高。
- NSF Shanghai Co., Ltd. is very pleased to extend an invitation to you to participate in a FREE seminar regarding testing and certification of your drinking water treatment unit products. 上海禾邦认证有限公司(NSF上海)诚意邀请您参加这个免费的饮用水处理设备产品测试、认证的研讨会。
- You need to filter the drinking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。
- All drinking water must be filtered. 饮用水均须过滤净化。
- A horse is drinking water in the stream. 马在溪中饮水。
- We must ensure the purity of drinking water. 我们必须确保饮用水的纯净。
- Material used for drinking water treatment 水处理材料
- Conventional drinking water treatment process 常规水处理工艺