- The traditional DST (Drill Stem Test) is long in operation time, high in cost and easy of polluting environments. 传统的DST钻杆测试作业时间长、测试费用高、易造成环境污染。
- A series of simulating tests of movement of drill stem in a vertical wellbore was conducted on a testing rack. 在自行设计建立的钻柱模拟实验来上做了直井中钻柱运动状态模拟试验,并用计算机采集和处理数据。
- Calculating results show that fluctuation pressure decrease with eccentricity between drill stem and well bore increase. 计算结果表明:随钻柱与井眼间偏心度增大,波动压力减小。 全偏心情况下的波动压力大约只有同心情况下的一半。
- DST (Drill Stem Test), a fast test for show of oil and gas while drilling. DST (Drill-Stem-Test),即中途测试,是指油井在钻井过程中,对有油气显示的地层进行快速测试。
- The working mechanism of turbulent sensor waE described and turbulent sensors used for measurement of movement state of lower portion of drill stem were designed and made. 介绍了涡流式传感器的工作原理,并设计制作了测试下部钻柱运动状态的涡流传感器。
- Pick up drill stem test tool. 提起钻杆测试工具。
- Field operation shows that, by using the hydrodynamic propulsor, not only the penetration rate is increased, the vibration of the bit and drill stem is reduced as well, thereby the service life of the bit is extended. 1995-1998年井下液力推进器在大港油田等地区不同区块20余口井上施工的实践证明,使用这种推进器不但可以提高机械钻速,而且减轻了钻头和钻杆的振动,进而延长了钻头寿命。
- Owing to its unique design feature, this drillstem vibration absorber sereves the function of buffering or eliminating both the longitudinal and the twisting vibration of a drill stem. 双作用钻具减振器由于其独特的结构而具有减缓或消除钻具纵向振动和扭转振动的双重功能。
- Drill stem tests are taken from some wells almost immediately after drilling and completion operations. 有些井刚钻完并进行完井作业后,就立即采取钻杆测试。
- The reversing sub is also called reversing spear which is a special tool for revering stuck drill stem above stuck point in drilling and work over operation. 倒扣接头也叫倒扣矛,是指在钻井、修井过程中倒出卡点以上被卡钻柱的专用工具。
- Specification for Rotary Drill Stem Elements 旋转钻柱规范
- Keywords drill stem;antenna;telemetering; 钻杆;天线;遥测;
- tranditional drill stem testing(DST) 钻杆测试技术
- This paper is researching and analyzing drilling stem (<100 meter) in engineering by modeling test on TH50C-T drilling machine and software ANSYS on FEM of CAE technology. 本文以100m以内工程钻进的钻杆柱为研究对象,以TH50C-T钻机为实验平台,利用建模试验与CAE有限元仿真软件ANSYS进行分析。
- At six we were fallen in for drill. 六点钟我们站好队准备操练。
- Calculation results show that greater friction force exist between drill stem and wall of bore in tripping out and drilling using PDM (positive displacement motor) working conditions. 计算结果表明,起钻和井底动力钻具钻进两种工况,钻柱与井壁间有较大的摩擦力。
- The drilling results and drill stem test result prove that the prediction results of seismic nonelastic effect completely coincide with the actual gas-bearing Situation in the reservoir. 钻井结果和中途测试结果证实,地震非弹性效应预测结果完全符合地下储层含气性实际情况。
- The sound of that drill jangles horribly on the nerves. 那台钻机的声音响极了,十分刺耳。
- The key technology of ERD include: reduce torque force and resistance, design the drilling stem with anti-high moment of torque, keep well bore stabilize and clean, reduce casing wear and so on. 介绍了大位移井的关键技术:减少扭力与阻力、设计抗高扭矩的钻柱、保持井眼稳定与井眼净化、下套管与减少套管磨损等。